Oh, I've got a Windows Partition on mine... Must have forgotten about it.
Russia is like, “Sons! We need sons for the fatherland so that they can fight in the field against Ukraine!” How inhuman can Russia be?
I don't understand It anyway - what's going on in the IT companies that come up with this? Microsoft Outlook isn't better. In any case, a meaningful view for us "Europeans" is not adjustable: There is either too much useless information at the overviews in these calendars, the wrong information given or way too little. Like this: Week starts at Sunday, Degrees in Celsius, Month-Day-Year Dates and "Yesterday, Tomorrow" as Day description, instead it should be Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21, Friday 22. And not crap like this: Actual day is shortened down and there is Saturday in this view! WHY?
🥹 Do it as often as you can. ❤️
Breakin' down while jumping to the first letter of my name. 🥵
I hope they don't show an ad on my doctor's operating table computer while he's performing surgery on my heart and watching through a camera image. 😱
This song is soooooo epic, I can’t stop listening to it, again and again!!
What can you say to that? The Americans knew what they were getting into. They elected a fascist to power who is abolishing democracy. In case you didn't know it yet, let me tell you: America is on the way to becoming a dictatorship.