
joined 2 years ago

The original scene goes as follows

Sam: It's just... sometimes the world can be a scary place. It's hard to know who's dangerous or not.

Nightshade: Hmm, that's true, though dissapointing.

Sam: Hey, it's ok. I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends or other non-binary people.

Nightshade: Non-binary?

Sam: People who aren't female or male. Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed.

Nightshade: I always felt my pronouns felt right, but what a wonderful word for a wonderful experience.

the one on BBC iplayer goes like this:

Sam: It's just... sometimes the world can be a scary place. It's hard to know who's dangerous or not.

Nightshade: Hmm, that's true, though dissapointing.

Sam: Hey, it's ok. I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends.

[second of awkward silence as the audio was removed but nothing was added back in and then it cuts to the next scene]

to fellow brits you can see the edited scene here, 10:15 seconds in:


This country sucks so bad, why couldn't the weird transphobic internet lady just stick to her castle and keep tweeting about how wizards used to just shit on the floor bcs they were too stupid to use plumbing

They're making fun of how Brexit was pushed on a platform of getting rid of overstrict EU regulations and bureaucracy (as well as a lot of overt racism) but it turned out a load of it was just homegrown British bureaucracy that had nothing to do with the EU but UKIP voters kept complaining that anything they didn't like about Britain was the fault of the EU anyway

[–] 12 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

What's the point in memes where it's putting something that's just uncontroversially true and not really that complex of an idea next to a twink wojack

Edit: just read the comments smh. My bad OP you're entirely in the right for this, apparently the basic idea that the dominant ideology reproduces itself is too complicated for people to get, also someone calling you a tankie for this lol

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

just to clarify i want evidence of this specific admin function being misused, i and everyone else already knows that the mods are trigger happy with their bans, but you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog that they actually removed for criticising china to cover their tracks which i havent seen anyone else accuse them of

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

can you link me a single example of someone saying that they had their post removed from the mod log

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (5 children)

I didnt say that mods havent been overbearing with their moderation i said "i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly".

if you want me to spell it out slowly i can:

  • mods have abused admin powers at some points
  • it is possible that the people could abuse this admin power
  • as far as im aware there is no evidence that anyone has misused this specific admin power
  • this specific admin power has been used to remove child porn and dox info
  • since this admin power has been used for good reasons and hasnt been used for bad reasons it shouldnt be removed as an admin power
[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (7 children)

well i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly, only people saying that maybe it could be used in this way, so no i dont think that the ML tankie front are using it that way. and since i know it has been used for its stated purpose to fully remove actual doxx information and child porn i dont see why it should be removed as a feature, at very least until there's some evidence of it being used maliciously

[–] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (9 children)

all instance admins have the ability to do this on their own instance, the functionality was added to deal with doxx info being posted so it wouldnt be visible even in the modlog, and it was used a lot to deal with the CSAM spam attack too - basically whenever this happens the relevant message will still be in the modlog but it will be changed to "Permanently Removed". Currently there's no evidence or even accusation that this functionality has been used for anything except the stated purposes though so i wouldnt worry too much.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

whichever of the two is more like a bear


Key sections from the article:

The Joe Biden administration will work with Congress on possible sanctions against the International Criminal Court after its prosecutor announced it was seeking arrest warrants for senior Israeli and Hamas officials, US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Tuesday.


Blinken’s openness to bipartisan co-operation over the ICC is a sign of the level of anger in Washington over its request for arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant.


The sanctions could be similar to those imposed by the Trump administration on the ICC’s then chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and the court’s head of jurisdiction Phakiso Mochochoko for their investigation into alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The sanctions froze their American assets and banned their travel to the US. The Biden administration has not yet indicated what kind of sanctions it would support.


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham praised Schumer’s response to the ICC warrant application and urged him “to follow strong words with strong deeds”.

“It is imperative that the Senate, in a bipartisan way, comes up with crippling sanctions against the ICC — not only to support Israel but to deter any future action against American personnel,” Graham said.

In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Netanyahu said his response to the ICC’s announcement was “no different from what President Biden said, this is outrageous and many people across the political spectrum in the United States . . . have called it exactly that”.

“It’s a rogue prosecutor who’s out to demonise the one and only Jewish state,” he added.


Key sections from the article:

The Joe Biden administration will work with Congress on possible sanctions against the International Criminal Court after its prosecutor announced it was seeking arrest warrants for senior Israeli and Hamas officials, US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Tuesday.


Blinken’s openness to bipartisan co-operation over the ICC is a sign of the level of anger in Washington over its request for arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant.


The sanctions could be similar to those imposed by the Trump administration on the ICC’s then chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and the court’s head of jurisdiction Phakiso Mochochoko for their investigation into alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The sanctions froze their American assets and banned their travel to the US. The Biden administration has not yet indicated what kind of sanctions it would support.


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham praised Schumer’s response to the ICC warrant application and urged him “to follow strong words with strong deeds”.

“It is imperative that the Senate, in a bipartisan way, comes up with crippling sanctions against the ICC — not only to support Israel but to deter any future action against American personnel,” Graham said.

In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Netanyahu said his response to the ICC’s announcement was “no different from what President Biden said, this is outrageous and many people across the political spectrum in the United States . . . have called it exactly that”.

“It’s a rogue prosecutor who’s out to demonise the one and only Jewish state,” he added.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You're the one unironically saying this about Palestinians being murdered by psychotic IDF fascists because they might be transphobic, not me

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (5 children)

America's transphobic as fuck though, why should I give a shit that 3,000 transphobic Americans died on September 11th? tbh, I'm glad that there's 3,000 less transphobes in the world actually

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Omw to adopt this line of thinking uncritically to argue that 9/11 was entirely justified and should happen again once a week throughout every republican state in the US because some of the victims would probably happen to be transphobic.

Basically just the same as just defederating but you also sign a little thing promising you'll never refederate with threads


accidentally posted this in world news before bcs i forgot about the no internal US news rule by accident

Congressman Adam Smith says ‘totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’

Protesters calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested.

“Intimidation is the tactic,” said Adam Smith of Washington state, the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee. “Intimidation and an effort to silence opposition … I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.”


realised that maybe other people dont want to just see garfield memes i was posting here and that was kind of clogging it all up so i've made a separate garfield comm for that stuff (!

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