Another solution - install Windows 2000, which was the first and the last good Windows distro.
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Viking gonna viking
They look like horse Mythbusters
Is it not the same thing as Canadian SIN?
I don't understand how can you lose it? It's just a number. If you forget it, you can login into CRA (Canadian IRS) website and see it there and you can print it if you want for some reason.
Is that the same Ken Cheng that's playing board games with No Rolls Barred?
No spoilers please. It was released just 49 years ago.
Can you buy a used iPhone 8 to use as a burner phone? It should not raise suspicion.
Birds also don't exist, it's all government drones.
This actually sounds great.
Is Tabasco delicious? I find the Sriracha from couple of years ago delicious (the current one is much worse), but Tabasco always tasted like a white vinegar mixed with capsaicin.