joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Not how the union works. But thanks for trying.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago

I've found the biggest thing isn't any real resource. My instance runs on a core 2 duo with 4GB of RAM, and I really try to get it to waste memory and barely fill the 4GB.

The thing is your instance will be blasted by all the other instances you subscribe to. If you subscribe to too many big communities you might find you're locked out during peak times, but it should be just fine as long as you're not crazy with follows like I am lol

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Found the guy who never worked a union job.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I don't think its too bad, but it probably depends a lot on a lot of factors.

Since I first started my hardware got a lot stronger, and nextcloud, php, and mariadb have all improved and so my experience has gotten pretty decent.

Remember though, there's a ton of biases here, so I could be wrong...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago

"we only jerk each other off on union hours!"

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 years ago

Yeah, that's what happens when you have mass money printing and someone produces a finite resource.

We're talking about the economic laws of physics. When you blow up a balloon, do you get angry at the balloon for getting larger? No, there's more air in there so the skin gets stretched thicker under the pressure. In the same way, you add more dollars to an economy, particularly when you've gone and told everyone to stop working for years, things get stretched a lot thinner and it'll take more dollars to buy the essentially similar amount of stuff.

I don't need to tell you about theoreticals, I can give you an example of why businesses can't just underprice their goods. Remember during the pandemic, you couldn't get an Nvidia graphics card for love or money? There were none in stores. Its because whether we like it or not, the cards were underpriced so scalpers came in and bought them all and resold them at the actual market price of several times the listed price. Once Nvidia repriced their cards, the scalpers tried the same thing and ended up sitting on a bunch of cards nobody wanted to buy and now you can easily find a video card in stores. (By the way, this can happen to the big companies too, if they try to price their goods too high they'll just be sitting on inventory they can't get rid of)

Is it unfair? If course it is. That's the point. The government takes money from everyone and then borrows from future generations and then creates central banks and mandates that those central banks print money out of thin air to buy the debt and add more money to the system, and eventually all those dollars funnel into buying a limited amount of natural resources and productivity, and inflates stock prices, and creates big winners and big losers.

Elon Musk has a crappy little car company whose revenue isn't a fraction of virtually any other car company. Why is he the world's richest man? Because of all that money floating around trying to grow before the party stops.

All this was predictable and publicly predicted. Its Only politicians and central bankers who pretended it wouldn't happen.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

shutting down the productive world economy

World record money printing

Government debt at all time highs in every country

Government spending still not under control

"Why would greedy corporations do this?"

We shoot ourselves in the head then blame the ant next to us for the pain in our head. "You must've bit me! Why would you do that?"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

My experiences with Nextcloud have been on another level in general. Really positive. I use it for a lot of things including notes, and its been really solid.


Hell Mode cover

I'm excited. Hell Mode is one of the earlier LNs I read, and I just like the idea that this guy started at the very bottom but though hard work and ingenuity and virtue he's becoming someone the world notices.


Why on earth would taking wealth from everyone (and it turns into everyone -- There are non-executive wage earners working mundane jobs who pay 50% taxes on their last bit of income and basically pay that on any overtime they work) and concentrating it in the hands of a few insanely powerful government workers ever result in less inequality? You're literally making an overclass of super-powerful people a little bit stronger.

We've done that before -- we gave all the power to people based not on their amount of money but instead their ownership and effective use of horsies and horsie accessories, hard clothing, and pokey sticks of varying descriptions and materials. It wasn't a more equal society back then. The pokey stick hard clothing horsie people still got the nicest houses and could get a bunch of slaves to build big pointy buildings for them.

You're just taking money from the super powerful (and everyone else) and giving it to the ultra mega powerful.


The flavor of the fully ripe strawberry was incredible.

Most important thing this year was putting wire mesh over the plants so nothing else could grab the food before it was ready to harvest.




Not mine, but I wanted to share it anyway.

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