Not even that. It could just replace GPS if mapped well enough. And there has been a lot of talk of stuff like that(GPS replacements). Part of my worry with TikTok which. I am naive and this is probably unfounded. But I worried if we got into a war China would flip a switch to expose just that using live data. Even if it's anonomized. You know where hurts the most...
This comment sounds completely in line with reality lol. Weird reading something like that in these times.
Is this 100% factual?
Check out the different ancient Greek variations of love. Also don't worry so much about what it means. We all focus on defining things too much.
Yeah. It's a nightmare to follow
Sure 3:00. He doesn't have long sentences. And speaks like a 3rd grader. Listen to it w few times and you'll get it.
Then what happened is they rigged the election. And then I won. He's talking about the Biden election being rigged against him. And he overcame it and won his third run.
If it goes the way I imagine. A lot of us non supporters will have lost voting rights by the time and elections swing around again. Maybe. Maybe if the midterms are a blow out. But Dems seem more keen to magafy than socialize. Which is kinda stunning. And all the more depressing
He clearly meant Biden rigged his election in between but sure lol
Valid ? Unsure tbh.
He also claimed he "didn't mean to kill her" and was recorded asking. "Are you dead yet? "
He's not a bright man. I feel so sorry for her. Her viewers and all her friends and family.