My best friend ended his life nearly tw o years ago. I am still mournig and feel like I will never get over it. I cry at least once a week.
There is the part where you interact with Forefox. Without your data, it just won't work. They need your timezone, your screen size,... I mean, that's for every browser around, even the most hardened system. This data can be used for fingerprinting so you should be aware and you should agree upon that usage or quit the internet.
i.e. using a browser is sending data towards that browser.
Please execute in a dust and static free environment.
In Flanders, 🇧🇪, teachers have a card that gives them certain benefits. Free acces to musea, exhibitions,... This year they made it app only. You need to buy a smartphone to get your benefits...
It was never about free speech
Indeed. I wonder why people market it as an alternative since it has way less functionality. I mean, I'm a fan but link previews suck and threads are buggy. A chat/productivity app shouldn't be that hard. Just considering it all, why not use Lemmy as an alternative?
Matrix does the job okay'ish.
A study in semantics
He's not wrong in what he says but I'm quite sure he means something different.
He's not wrong. A judge can rule if there's a trial and that judge will always have to apply the law.
I don't know. You see a parking spot. Turn on indicators and reverse. Never had an issue in 25 years of driving.
Looks like autocarrot to me.