
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

I managed to find this post somehow but I can inform you that there's a community for Tsukihime that I've created early on, it's on a smaller instance that doesn't wage defederation wars so it should be accessible to almost anyone.

Additionally if you want to appear in our sidebar you can reach out to me over DMs on this account or PM me on mastodon at @[email protected]. (this goes for any anime community; discoverability on lemmy is pretty lackluster)


thought I'd make a post about this; but we are welcome to partners.

if you moderate an anime related community feel free to reach out to us given the following conditions:

  1. You are listed publicly as moderator (or can otherwise provide concrete proof you are reaching out on behalf of the community staff)
  2. The staff team has agreed to partner with us.

If the above criteria are met you can reach out to us by either leaving a comment on this post or messaging me (@[email protected]) on lemmy or sending me a private mention on mastodon (@[email protected]).


I did a post with poll over on mastodon in the hopes it would federate over (it did not) so I am making another post here to inform you.

Ideally I would prefer people vote on mastodon (since lemmy doesn't support polls...) but feel free to leave a comment here if you can't.

poll options:

  • yes, alt text please
  • no, without alt text is fine
  • something else, I will clarify in comments/replies

Alternate link to the post if the other one doesn't work for you

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

It's sad that more companies are just willing to screw their customers and squeeze them dry of every last penny just for the sake of profit and infinite growth even though we know infinite growth will never be attainable.

Every corporate entity is willing to forfeit their goals for money, especially if they hold a monopoly in a certain space and when growth slows they will look for other ways to offset that income.

I've learned that loyalty means jack shit to the company and it's just another thing they can exploit you with, I'm not loyal to AMD but right now they're the least unethical party in this race to the bottom.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

NVIDIA finally being the whole bitch it seems, not unexpected when it comes to tech monopolies.

In the words of our lord and savior Linus Torvalds "NVIDIA, fuck you! 🖕", amen.

In all reality, a lot of individuals aren't gonna care when it comes to EULA B's unless they absolutely depend on it and this whole move has me want an AMD gpu even more.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (7 children)

last I heard AMD is working on CUDA working on their GPUs and I saw a post saying it was pretty complete by now (although I myself don't keep up with that sort of stuff)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Exactly this worked best for me back in the day

Not just you, your brain is wired to pick up language, how did you learn your first one?

I’m German and while we have some mandatory English classes, they’re …well … not good.

I can attest that English classes here aren't great either (although most people here do speak English as a second or third language)

and at least the teacher I had first also had a VERY thick German accent

This is a known side effect of premature output (writing/speaking before you feel comfortable doing so), you don't just listen to what's around you, you primarily listen to yourself and pronunciation differs between languages, this premature output becomes toxic input for your brain which then uses that from then on (you can try and get rid of it; but it is really hard to do)

once I was halfway through the game my brain kinda switched to “English mode” and I actually learned words and grammar in a natural way instead of trying to force myself to understand what the hell a “singular past tense adverb” is.

Yup, that's natural understanding for you. When you speak a language you don't care about the rules; you should instinctively know them.

As for my issue with Duolingo: it ignores the amount of time it takes to properly acquire a language, if I were to split up all the time I spent watching english youtube into 5 minute chunks it'd take me well over 15 years (and that's just accounting for the initial 4 month span; I've learned more things after as I naturally used the language). Combine that with the fact it throws established research on this topic to the wayside to push the school-based one which we know goes against the natural way in which we learn. I found a great blog post online about this, while it mostly revolves around learning Japanese; the core principles apply to learning pretty much any language. The beginning of the post does sum the entire thing up pretty well though:

We do not recommend "language learning" apps like Duolingo, Lingodeer, Babbel, and others due to the fact that their methodology conflicts with AJATT's principles of immersion learning. Such apps do not actually help you with anything. There are no success stories. On the other hand, AJATTers typically reach fluency in just 18 months. The apps prevent you from reading interesting content in your target language, such as manga. And they make you more miserable in the end.

There are some really good parts in that blog that apply to any language; but a lot of it is geared towards Japanese specifically.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The best course of action is to consume as much content in the target language as possible, tv shows, music, YouTube videos... Your brain will eventually pick up on certain parts of the language naturally. Also the best thing you can do is to not force yourself to speak or write in that language until you are comfortable doing so (this is one of the biggest things doulingo does wrong).

I can attest to this method working as I went from barely knowing a couple of English words to speaking it in about 4 months (you could probably do less if you stick to what I outlined above). To back up this method I suggest you look at antimoon which is written by people who have used this to learn English as well.



Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you.

- The !tsukihime mod team.



Thank you Nasu for giving our moon princess both an unpronounceable name and strangely unfitting birthday.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bikini version



Oh, now that I think about it, today is "curry day".


Done by google translate after I pulled my hair out transcribing this to text.

PS: From the Pixiv post curry day is actually January 22, but I only learned that after translating and hunting down the source for this post so up it goes anyways.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Hi, it seems like you posted to Lemmy from mastodon, while this is perfectly possible there are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. The first line of your toot will be the title, this should be pure text and avoid things like links, emoji, and other text markup as Lemmy doesn't render those.
  2. Lemmy will only ever show the first image on a mastodon toot.
  3. Lemmy doesn't handle image alt text very well, this is not a huge issue and I expect this one to get resolved as time goes on.


Found this gem in a discord channel and though it would be a waste not to share here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Just include their account address, the webui or your app should do the rest if needed.



Turns out I don't know how to not be stupid so have another double post.



Double post because I am a sugarless tictac that doesn't know how to do regular posts.


sorry for the 0 effort post, I'm forgetful as all hell and I found this gem on the Melty Blood community page a while ago.

now to hope I don't forget when the next sunday comes up.


Source(s): Twitter Gelbooru
Artist: 藤川 [fujikawa ua] (Twitter)


Source(s): Pixiv Gelbooru
Artist: mkr (Pixiv)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I really like these ones, they are minimalist yet detailed, the bottom set would be a great pair of app/notification icons.

Maybe have an option in the app itself to change the icon so people can choose to use any icons they prefer.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ridiculous copyright terms apparently weren’t enough for Disney and co.

Give them a finger and they won't stop at an arm, all these people are interested in is money; which sadly enough does not guarantee a good product

Yes, unfortunately, that’s all we can do. I doubt it will convince any of these companies to abandon these practices, but I refuse to support them monetarily. I’m reminded of the Veronica Mars Movie kickstarter campaign, where fans happily pledged over $5 Million dollars to see it come to fruition. Warner Bros. rewarded their fans for their generosity and support by encumbering the film with DRM so GNU/Linux fans who funded the film couldn’t watch the film

Holy, I didn't know of Veronica Mars before this but it doesn't really surprise me. I bet they figured the movie would never break even normally so they just extorted fans; this doesn't even remotely look like incompetence.

MakeMKV is fantastic and I highly recommend it if you ever buy a show on Blu-Ray. Hell, even DVD. I don’t know how well it keeps up with constantly changing Blu-Ray encryption schemes, but it seems to be much better than any of the standard methods. Plus, it has a nice GUI. I’m still using it with a trial license but if I find myself using it more, I think I’ll pay for a license.

I'll keep that in mind; it is sad to see it's not FOSS (or at least not from what I can see). I haven't needed to rip anything in a good while but when I inevitably will this will be in my toolbelt.

MKV video is fantastic though, almost everything anime I download is MKV (batch releases often having both english and japanese audio alongside softsubs and proper video and audio codecs is a blessing), whenever I need to hold video in an intermediary format I use MKV as it can hold pretty much all codecs I use.

That’s an interesting thought. I can’t say I disagree with it at all. I own Harmony on Blu-Ray and started watching it again for the first time since 2015 (fantastic film btw), and it really does feel that way. The more advanced technology gets, the less the general public can do with it.

Most of it isn't even because of technology, all the shit they're pulling with electric cars they could have with ICE cars and the board computer. Heck electric cars should be easier to repair as there are less moving parts and the design is much simpler; the only reason we can't is because they put systems in the way that require proprietary tools.

Same happened with the switch to smartphones where these devices lost things like user replaceable batteries even though there is no technological reason for it, and it's taking the might of the european union to undo this age old trend.

On the subject of locking down physical books, TorrentFreak has a super interesting article on the history of libraries and how publishers really didn’t like them

Definitely going to give that a read; I do know that we have proper technologies for decentralized file hosting and indexing (not just bittorrent, but also IPFS which bases itself on the same technologies), these will definitely become a requirement if we want to fight over the ability to share information freely.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I refuse to use services that require me to install a DRM module in my browser like Netflix.

DRM was a mistake enabled by corporate greed and our current copyright laws; the best we can do is show that we're not biting anything that smells of these practices which is hard when exclusive licensing only provides one legal option with the alternative being piracy. That said; while it is definitely against the law (in most countries) the way I'm doing it now provides more money to the anime industry by spending less so the people in charge of making the thing I like get a larger share while the rich tax evading middle man CEO of [insert streaming service here] isn't gaining anything from just adding DRM. It's sad to see that this can only be done by resorting to these methods; but I think we both know who copyright law really benefits.

I’ve bought some anime, but being a GNU/Linux user, that means I either need to check the decrypted AACS keys carefully before purchase, or I need to avoid buying Blu-Ray editions.

I haven't gotten into the whole Blu-Ray shenanigans yet (part because getting anything anime here is a fucking nightmare in the first place and DVD/Blu-Ray are far down on the list of anime things I'd buy) I also don't have anything that could read Blu-Ray ATM (my laptop does read CD/DVD perfectly fine though) so it'll be a good bit before I even dare bother.

From memory, the 1080p editions of some anime are actually scaled up by the studio anyway. And usually poorly.

Depends from studio to studio, nowadays 1080p generally looks "fine" for most anime; but for older projects where SD DVD or VHS (/Betamax) was the best quality option or a lot of stuff early in the HD era it's always a gamble to see if it turned out ok-ish.

I’m just glad they haven’t figured out a way to encumber physical books with DRM yet.

If books were invented in the last 30 years they probably would have; a big part of the reason they haven't bothered is because they'd have to do it extremely slowly as to not let the frog jump out of the boiling pot. New technology usually comes with less consumer control compared to it's predecessor, e-books can have DRM (although if you know where to buy you can get them without DRM or a DRM scheme calibre can easily remove), it's sad to see things moving in this direction; but where there's money you'll find corporations digging it up no matter how dirty it may be.

Thanks for recommending it. I installed the Flatpak.

Make sure to set it to use an invidious instance that works well for you, freetube also has SponsorBlock built-in which you can enable in the settings, there's also much more there for you to tweak.

A lot of isekai with male protagonists are very transparent wish fulfillment fantasies or grindfests. And that’s fine, but I find it so boring! Isekai series with female protagonists tend to be more fun.

There are no flat characters in Mushoku Tensei (aside from chest size obviously) even the mandatory overly sexualized girl of the group has an actual reason for being that way. On the surface it definitely sounds like the usual isekai; but it doesn't just copy the formula for the sake of copying the formula, it takes care of every detail in order to build something that stands on it's own.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

I don’t know of a Japanese company that has released a visual novel with a native GNU/Linux binary.

it surprising to as this was pretty much due to the fact that they made an open source version of NScripter that's 1:1 compatible and then made it work on linux (the Tsukihime.exe is literally the NScripter binary so you could drop another version in it's directory and run it), ONScripter also made it possible for a relatively easy fork to be created supporting non-japanese formats (UTF-8) which also remained open source (and is even packaged in the AUR)

I installed the onscripter (AUR) package and set lutris up to have that run tsukihime by setting it's working dir to the game's directory (this page contains a lot of really good info on setting it up and a great place to get started with it's more intricate details). What surprised me though is that ONScripter is still being worked on (although there have been a couple dry spells and has changed hands a couple times now), really helps to highlight how resilient OSS can be when put in the hands of weebs.

Anyway, it sounds like a good time. Animations are a plus too, because most VNs don’t have that kind of budget :)

Mahoyo and Tsukihime Remake (from what I've seen) have gone above and beyond in their presentation and it is wild to see how far Type Moon has gone to make this happen, KiriKiri is an insanely powerful VN engine with very little english documentation and they're not even using half of what it could do. compared to what these two do Fate is almost primitive; but that's also because of how much time and effort poured into those two.

I don’t even have a Crunchyroll subscription

me neither, where I live all anime streaming services we have suck; no exception, either I dish out insane amounts of cash every months and fiddle with a VPN provider that I can trust and is fast enough to handle streaming (so far I've only found Mullvad to fit this) to get access to the thing I want to watch; usually in HD (the 720p kind; 1080p is marketed as UHD and often streaming services don't offer that unless you change you user agent to a windows one because DRM is bullshit); or I say fuck it and become a 21st century sailor and use the money I save from that to buy stuff like DVD/Blu-ray releases or figures of which a larger portion of the money would make it to the people making the show possible and not into lining the pockets of the rich so it's a win-win for everybody not wealthy enough to get government funded tax deductions.

Thanks for providing invidious links though!

I've used an app called FreeTube for a good while alongside NewPipe, both are privacy respecting and have been working better for me than the default youtube website/app, they also both use invidious which I consider a requirement for being able to actually watch youtube content nowadays.

Mushoku Tensei was one of the few stories with a male protagonist I was interested in reading at some point.

I loved the story to death and still do; it uses a lot of standard isekai tropes (OP portagonist, magic, medieval european style setting, ...), but these are merely set dressing, it's world is vast and expansive, characters feel like people and not just cardboard cutouts, when characters aren't on screen they're usually doing something else that could even forward the plot, ... Rudeus (the protagonist) also doesn't immediately change when he lays eyes on this other world; he was a shut-in NEET in his previous life and try as he may it's hard to break the habits and trauma that bound him to his room and he takes this second chance at life trying to live life to the fullest and it's one of the best redemption arcs I've seen in fiction so far (although I have yet to read Berserk so that could change). there still is a certain level of wish fullfilment, fanserive, and the like (it is an isekai after all); but I never found it too distracting. I loved it's 7th LN volume, this was added with the LN to bridge the events between the end of volume 6 and the beginning of the school arc (LN volume 8), technically it's filler; but it a really well put together part of the story and gives us a good view into Rudeus' state of mind and has lot lot of context to emphasize the characters, context that the anime promptly cut lessening the impact of this whole arc significantly.

I think I read all 7 volumes in 3 days

I have no other words than "that's insane", even for Mushoku Tensei I didn't get close to that (I averaged a little over one volume a week) and that was with me being addicted to it's story (I even had to jump to a translation on the WN later on because the english light novels weren't caught up and I needed to know more.

EDIT: Added the whole (O)NScripter part at the beginning

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