I think that has more to do with ending production on the LX Platform Challenger / Charger tbh. They haven't quite managed to gather the same hype among domestic car nerds with their replacements as those old boats had.
Damn, it's fucked enough that even the neoliberal thinktanks are starting to get spook.
You know what they say about people who live in glass houses...
Not to indirectly defend designer dogs but I assure you selective dog breeding has always been pretty screwed up.
Not every dog is some kickass livestock guardian, they've been making screwed up ones since before the steam engine.
That's a surprisingly narrow definition.
So do you look at something like a Studebaker Commander Coupe and go "well obviously that's modern"?
The divide at that point becomes a class one, where the quality varies intensely by how rich each individual town is.
The pain comes when a struggling town can barely fund its own schools and the assistance coming from the top down to keep the lights on gets cut.
The Saab Aerospace marketing team just looks on at this exchange in dismay.
This "use executive orders to bluff until people treat them like actual laws" strategy is starting to get really annoying.
People argued about Startrek and posted fanfiction back in the days of ARPANET, literally the earliest incarnation of the modern internet predating Bulletin Boards and relatively affordable Microcomputers.
I believe Robespierre had lead a period of time known as the "reign of good times and normal vibes" where they all formed committees to talk out and mediate the the problems of the system they lived under.
You guys are getting helpdesk jobs?
Imo the main addition to that console is that face tracking made the 3d work properly.