Just a guess, but it may be from people that are not watching the video and are just drawing conclusions from the title, which is a little ambiuous. I'll toss you an upvote!
Don't know how much I agree. They posted the numbers on their official site. And they were up for a few DAYS. If I am supposed to be held responsible for my mistakes, why shouldn't the lottery board? I hope he at least gets a sizable settlement. The amount of stress they put this guy through has to be kind of insane.
I just went through this. I ended up getting lucky and my brother gifted me a sleep number and I got a latex topper for it. It's worked out great.
If I had to do it again though, I would get a good quality spring mattress. That way I can flip and rotate it to avoid any sagging. I'd probably shoot for a little firmer than what I would normally go for and then sleep on it for a couple weeks. Then I would get a latex topper and choose softness level depending on how much softer I feel like the bed needs to be.
Hybrids are nice, but you can't flip them and you read all kinds of complaints about sagging with them. By doing it this way you can extend the life of the mattress greatly by flipping and rotating it. A good topper can really transform a bed. I got sleep on latex as they seemed to be well regarded on the mattress subreddit. No regrets at all.
And if in doubt when buying the spring coil, go a little more firm. It is easier to soften a bed with a topper than to try to make one more firm.
That's going to be my approach next round anyway. Good luck on your path, mattress shopping can be confusing and most YouTube reviews seemed to be nothing more than sponsored commercials for each brand.
Hey that's pretty cool. I did see the unbagging area when picking up few items yesterday. Going to give it a shot next time I go to Aldi. It's not a busy store and I always see an empty register, but maybe that's because everyone else is doing their shit right.
I did notice the bigger bar codes and that the Aldi registers scanned real well but somehow didn't put the two things together.
Breaking story?