But why would the eggs need to be refrigerated on the ship already? If it's a US law wouldn't it just start applying once the eggs reach the US? Here chickens are required to be vaccinated against salmonella anyways so that shouldn't be a big issue.
Why would they need to be refrigerated for the trip? Would a ship take longer than 20 days?
You can have something like this on one ui with hex installer and I'm sure you can still do it on asop as well, at least it did have theming support the last time I had it.
We actually had the same sentence as the headline for the chapter about mitochondria in our class in the late 90s, just translated. "Mitochondrien - das Kraftwerk der Zelle"
I got a MacBook for free and I regretted even that. Someone spent money on it, what a waste, even if it wasn't me. I have a refurbished ThinkPad now and I love that one.
Knowing what they are is already a bit helpful, thanks
Lovely site, thanks!
I see, thanks
That would be great, thanks. If I block the communities would that prevent them from showing in the list?
That shows my subscriptions, yes. But what are the other ones in the sidebar? Just random communities? How can I disable that, I really don't want to see NSFW content, or Nintendo stuff.
I also just noticed that the top says error, and also that the communities in the list that I am subscribed to are an absolute minority, the most are not from my subscriptions.
Eg I am not subscribed to reddit, technology, news, no stupid questions, or really most of the other things in that list.
Every app has a try before you buy since you can refund it within two hours. Buzzkill is a great app, the developer is nice so even if you miss the refund window and the app isn't what you want (though I think it will be) there are a lot of worse things to spend your money on.