Expanse left at a time jump, so it's not implausible it could come back.
I was quite upset by The Peripheral recently. And although it didn't release to much fanfare, Constellation.
I'd also recommend to you based on this: Paris Police 1900, Balkan Shadows (if you can get a hold of this). Balkan Shadows is quite literally just the Balkan version of this.
I wish thumbnails worked for non-linked content.
It's about the choice of song at the end.
Well kinda, except if I wanted to do I could just extract the datafiles from steam and then get crack if the worst happened.
Plus Netflix/Amazon/Apple remove content all the time and thus terminate people's access to stuff they've bought on there.
Well this is more for the lesser-watched, often geoblocked shows whereby you simply can't acquire them legally.
Yeah, but you don't "buy" buy them proper. They're like digital renting.
Well I'd imagine that this system, if set up properly, would in theory reduce piracy by quite a bit might be a good incentive.
Yeah, I mean ultimately muh rights issues aren't the consumers problem. If the networks and streamers don't make a TV series accessible on day 1, the internet will.
Well you don't get locked into a streamer like you did cable.
For me:
Babylon Berlin intro captures the art, the deco, and the fear of what the viewer knows is going to come of that time period.
Black Sails just perfect
Raised by Wolves I was hit and miss on this in many ways, but this intro is great - albeit I think slightly misleading as to its overall tone.
Pennyworth I thought S1 was a bit silly, but what an intro.
Happiness This is just fun, and fits the show brilliantly
See also isn't bad
Song of the Bandits The song on the YT video isn't great here imo, but they actually mix it up in the show proper and use different songs. And some really fit the theme.
If we're talking about music in general through the show rather than just the intro - The Korean High Fantasy series Arthdal Chronicles. Some stunning, music, throughout, the show. It was also kinda like watching a JRPG (even if Korean).