I need some alcohol at least once per month.
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I propose "chairshooting" after the "who killed Hannibal" meme. It's a nice double word, like gaslighting.
Turns out there are after market mods for that. Spoiler, other front, flame paint job
Tesla/Musk really went for the "I have the right to not use collective bargaining" and is really shocked to find out people went for "we have the right to strike".
First past the post voting systems make sure there are only two parties and two candidates. A third party doesn't stand a chance.
Of course neither party wants to change things because it works for them.
That has some real "Grand Vizier whispering in the Sultan's ear" vibes.
It’s not personal, it’s just business.
That's my brother. When the boss asks to do overtime he opens a spreadsheet that calculates what every hour of overtime actually puts in the bank account. It's surprisingly low. Then he asks the boss to make it worth his time.
set me achievable targets properly recompensed
In my brother's place they changed the end of year bonus. It's no longer on an individual level but as a group. And the targets van change at any time. Who are they trying to fool.
I think myself, I'll probably get the "you're indispensable but they're isn't any budget for a raise" this year
I just say it'll be done by Wednesday and next time act like a professional and give some time.
Some other guy I know will get it done, book a crazy amount of overtime, mail the thing and stay home from that overtime until Thursday.
And one other guy would just call the manager at weird hours the entire weekend asking for classifications.
I know some anarchistic people, okay.
That organic smell means my exit is coming up next and I'm almost home.
That thing's front and back are exactly the same. It saves on fabrication costs to use the same part but it gives a weird look.
Except Tesla's uncle had brain damage and doesn't really learn from the situation so will go it again, and had clones of him driving thousands of other cars.