If you make the cost of bypassing Nightshade higher than the cost of convincing people to opt in to their data being used in LLM training, then the outcome is obvious. "If you show me the incentives, I'll show you the outcome."
No? That's not what NightShade is. NightShade isn't DRM.
Yep. That's why the two things I say Automattic MUST do to make things right are about proper consent controls for Automattic's use of data and sale to AI vendors, but the third thing is a proposed proactive defense against scrapers.
I like their take on this
We'll get our top scientists on this, posthaste.
Our bottom and vers scientists remain on standby for new assignments. UwU
Absolutely. I just haven't figured out how to do that yet.
EDIT: Wow, that's a bad UI. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/314
I choose not to make perfect the enemy of good.