Entrance hidden by bread and pickles.
What are you trying to accomplish by saying this? Do you want people to give up? Hope does not stop people from making things better. If anything, it gives you the strength to carry on. It's not too late. Trump simply doesn't have the backing to do anything to the Constitution if he wanted to - there's not enough red in house or senate to propose an amendment (it takes 2/3,) and not even half of the states have a red enough legislature to ratify it unless it's actually reasonable (it takes 3/4.) So he can do some damage, yes, but we are not at the tipping point. Democracy isn't going anywhere.
Linux machines don't crash unexpectedly, because if they do, it's your fault for configuring it wrong and you should have expected it.
As for dealing with other people, it's subjective. If they're not satisfied with your answer, it's an excuse to them.
To be a bit more specific, I'd say there are two factors at play, which are of course hard for the other person to judge, especially if they're a manager not involved in the task itself:
- If you can reasonably perform the task as expected despite the obstacle, it's probably an excuse. If you can't, it's almost certainly a valid reason.
- If you wanted to perform the task as expected, then something that caused you to not do so is likely a valid reason. If you didn't want to, then you're more likely to be using an excuse.
Of course, it also depends on the priority level of the task. If your sibling asks for a glass of water and you get them a mug because there are no glasses in the cabinet, those stakes are low enough that it's a valid reason even though you could have checked the dishwasher or washed a glass yourself.
"This is your pilot speaking. There's some turbulence up ahead. I'm gonna try to dodge it. Hold onto something."
Sir! Excuse me, sir!
I'd say option 3. Personally, I don't care if random websites get my IP among a list of hundreds of others, and if someone wants to keep their IP hidden from strangers, they should be using a VPN before browsing the net anyways. It'd also be nice not to have to open another instance when I come to a post with a broken image that I want to see, but that's not hugely important to me.
If it were an instance specifically for privacy enthusiasts, that'd be a different story, but this is a general-purpose instance, and option 3 seems to be what's best for both general users and the server itself.
You're not allowed to bring nail trimmers? I did...
For 1, that's why you say "Format your answer in this exact sentence: The number of bytes required (rounded up) is exactly # bytes.
, where # is the number of bytes." And then regex for that sentence. What could go wrong?
Also, it can do math somewhat consistently if you let it show its work, but I still wouldn't rely on it as a cog in code execution. It's not nearly reliable enough for that.
The long-awaited sequel to "how to spot a polymorphed dragon."
Do you normally get sick when you touch a bathroom door handle? It's not like people choose not to wash their hands because there's a separate handle for it.