But that's what I mean, right? I found a guide on how to edit a config file, then after I've forgotten how it went, I try to run the client that does exactly the thing I want. I don't have it installed, so I must not need to, but good luck finding the original guide. Idk, I just spend so much time feeling confused trying to get my dumb little project homeserver to do what I want.
My biggest problem with Linux is that there are 8 ways to solve any problem. Some of these are distro specific, and all of them are THE definitive way to do it depending on who you ask. This comes up for me most when I want to make a change to something or do it again on a new machine.
For adding another network drive, for example I think oh it's called samba right and open the terminal and type in samba help. The response is: command not found do you want to install "samba-dc"? Okay so not samba. Oh that's right I edited a file. Now was it smb.conf? No wait maybe it was fstab.
It is getting easier as I get more familiar, but I have to wrap my head around every new thing that I want to do. It's no wonder people don't have the patience.
I'm sure you could find a cheap condemned shit hole in your nearest rural area too. That doesn't mean that it's a good deal.
It's so cheap because the current owner doesn't want to spend the money on demolishing the structure before selling vacant land. And if it is still available it is because no developer has looked at it and thought that they could make money on the flip.
I wouldn't want to search for it, but if someone were to create a little graphic that shows the approximate locations and fov's of the swastikars cameras, that would be pretty cool.
If they even hear about it.
Why would anyone care about how many veterans they've fired when trump already called them all losers and suckers. This is a man who posed in front of their graves with a thumbs up and a smile.
He's going to go a buy a Tesla tomorrow? I'm pretty sure he didn't even keep the wrapped cybertruck that was gifted to him by those manosphere podcasters a while back.
Secret service are still just cops.
I'm on boost too. Hit the double checkmark icon, but while you're in the replies tab. Def some kind of bug.
Don't forget lucky that the officers didn't start giving conflicting commands. Yelling "freeze" and "put your hands up" then shooting and later claiming "oh I thought he was reaching for a weapon, I feared for my life."
Tag corner is for my face, adjacent corner for drying my hair, then the rest of my body gets the other end of the towel.
Well they stopped giving him color pictures since the last time he just took a photo and tweeted it to show the world how bigly smart he is.