Tried any Jack McDevitt? I like both of his main series (Alex Benedict and Priscilla Hutchins ones). Remember enjoying deep six, chindi, and seeker in particular. He has a unique feel which I think I saw someone describe as science fiction archaeology which I think is apt.
That's what I've done at ! but to be honest theur hasn't been a lot of engagement. Would be happy to run the one here if you'd like.
I'll plug the ! community. Two months in and last months read was Iain Banks Player of Games and this months is Winter World by A.G. Riddle. Usually have a vote thread 6 weeks before the end of the month to pick a new one.
Surprisingly I think TV/Movies got this more right because of the want to show the actors. If you had a sci-fi movie or show it was probably in there. 2001 A Space Odyssey and Star Trek both in the sixties had an, albeit clunkier, face time or zoom. I think with novels with less of a need to show who was talking radio and messages were more common.
Commented on something like this the other day. Official votes should be limited to its own community with only active votes. The slate of votes would run at standard times (i.e. Sunday to Sunday). The agora could be used for discussion and meeting a threshold for a topic to clear to be put on the voting slate.
Very fair. Good luck finding a new book