I've recompiled my kernel[^moreinfo] of my raspberry pi 4 that run under Devuan rpi
some of the command used on the rpi to compile
apt install build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev
mkdir /RaspKernel_6_1_y && cd /RaspKernel_6_1_y
git clone --depth=1 --branch rpi-6.1.y https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux
cd linux
cp /boot/config-6.1.93 /RaspKernel_6_1_y/linux/.config
make menuconfig
time make -j$((`nproc` - 2)) Image.gz modules dtbs
make -j$((`nproc` - 2)) modules_install
cp arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz /boot/broadcom/$KERNEL.img
cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/*.dtb /boot/broadcom/
cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* /boot/firmware/overlays/
cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/firmware/overlays/
apt install cryptsetup
In addition to have enabled some cipher/algorithm in the kernel config I have set a string (
TESTversionA ) in
, may be I shouldn't have :/ ?
I'm currently following this guide LUKS on Raspberry Pi ( for context my related lemmy post )
So now that the kernel has been updated, the cryptsetup benchmark -c xchacha20,aes-adiantum-plain64
command is successful
So in order to enable luks in initramfs I'm following the preparing-linux section of this guide.
we can read:
initramfs has to be recreated
I followed the guidance and edited the initramfs-rebuild file to match my setup
initramfs-rebuild file
#!/bin/sh -e
# Rebuild initrd.gz after kernel upgrade to include new kernel's modules.
# https://github.com/Robpol86/robpol86.com/blob/master/docs/_static/initramfs-rebuild.sh
# Save as (chmod +x): /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-rebuild
# Remove splash from cmdline.
if grep -q '\bsplash\b' /boot/cmdline.txt; then
sed -i 's/ \?splash \?/ /' /boot/cmdline.txt
# Exit if not building kernel for this Raspberry Pi's hardware version.
current_version="$(uname -r)"
case "${current_version}" in
case "${version}" in
*-v7+) ;;
*) exit 0
case "${version}" in
*-v7+) exit 0 ;;
# Exit if rebuild cannot be performed or not needed.
[ -x /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs ] || exit 0
[ -f /boot/broadcom/initrd.gz ] || exit 0
lsinitramfs /boot/broadcom/initrd.gz |grep -q "/$version$" && exit 0 # Already in initramfs.
# Rebuild.
mkinitramfs -o /boot/broadcom/initrd.gz "$version"
and when I run
mkinitramfs -o /boot/broadcom/initrd.gz
I got
grep: /boot/config-6.1.93TEST+: No such file or directory
I've did
cp /RaspKernel_6_1_y/linux/.config /boot/config-6.1.93TEST+
mkinitramfs -o /boot/broadcom/initrd.gz
and it seemed worked.
I've edit the remaining files
- /boot/broadcom/cmdline.txt
- /etc/fstab
- /etc/crypttab
rebooted. Landed in the initramfs shell as expected
but benchmark -c xchacha20,aes-adiantum-plain64
is no longer successful :'(
Cipher xchacha20,aes-adiantum-plain64 (with 256 bit key) is not available
Any ideas where might lay the problem ?
[^moreinfo]: --branch rpi-6.1.y https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux
Thank you @gerbercj@lemmy.world sadly it's hosted on google ... :/ https://issuetracker.google.com
If I post here on lemmy, me feature request somebody would be kind to submit to google ?