A decision between cringe and depression
joined 9 months ago
I just non chalantly opened a rule 34 link on the train. Just send me to horny jail.
My feed is full of these memes which perfectly sums up my mood after 2,5h of sleep and having to cycle to work at -9°C.
I'm still trying to figure out if that's funny or depressing.
And microplastic
How it feels leaving the festival and being among normal people again.
Wählt Die PARTEI, denn sie ist sehr gut.
I'll travel several hours into the future and it only takes me one bottle of vodka.
I get why this is really ironic and funny but it still feels wrong to laugh at
And asbestos in the walls? And said cigarettes were healthy?
Since my colleagues have missed the invention of Deodorant and washing themselves I'd beg to differ.
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You mean codebass?