Why did your grandparents ruin Vaseline for you? Sorry, I wasn't clear. Just wondering what kind of detriments I could be doing to myself by using Vaseline.
Oh boy. Please explain. 😬
Vaseline. Is that non-standard? It doubles as lip balm and for those really dry patches of skin that come around (currently in Japan and it's been dry af). Or even for small cuts, or used as hand cream.
Also can be used as a fire starter (for camping, just to clarify!).
I've just boiled the room kettle a few times, and leave the shower and bathroom door open before bed (not during a shower). Helps a bit, anyway.
When someone I've gifted food to sends me a message later in the day telling me the food, bread, whatever was sensational. It tells me that I've nailed their food preferences and tastes. I've done a good job.
Food is my love language and it's how I like to say thank you and show appreciation.
This shows how much I didn't enjoy the second one - I couldn't even remember if there was one or two sequels, but I do remember there was supposedly another instalment in the works.
I only liked the first one. The ones after weren't so good.
"THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!!!" Willen Dafoe was brilliant.
Boondock Saints. It's so bad, but I love it.
In Australia, we call it "turtle necking". The visual is worse.
I'm not sure. My partner isn't as pedantic as I am, so I end up scooping his day old crumbs on to my toast the next day.
I love that you buy in bulk because you're right - it definitely is cheaper buying more if you can eat it all before it spoils. What kind of foods do you make with cream cheese? Genuinely curious. I love cream cheese but I can't finish it fast enough.
I hear ya. I'm not a fan of the smell either, but for what I use it for, it works wonders. I also use Lucas Paw Paw when I can. It smells way nicer.