- I assumed that the code was running on a machine that Lu controlled.
- Most companies I have worked at had code reviews, but it was on the honor system. I am supposed to get reviews for all the code I push to main, but there is nothing stopping me from checking in code that was not reviewed (or getting code reviewed and making a change before pushing it). My coworkers trust me to follow the process and allow me to break the rules in an emergency.
I assume that the PS5 Pro is great for its target audience: people who care about getting the best possible graphics on a console. They bought it, they tried it, they loved it, and they praised it. The issue with the PS5 Pro is that not everyone fits into that niche. For people who are not playing on giant 4K TVs, what is the benefit? What does it provide that a regular PS5 (or even a PS4) does not? Sony has not provided an answer, from what I have seen.
Different crimes. Swartz was charged with breaking into the MIT network and destroying it, because he connected to their guest Wi-Fi and used (way) too much bandwidth. From what I heard, both the copyright holder and prosecutor only wanted to give him a slap on the wrist and firm talking to. It was MIT network support/campus police that insisted on accusing him of every crime possible.
If you want a better case to compare it to, cite the cases brought by Metallica saying that their album did not sell 10 billion copies because a single mother listened to it without paying.
The telling thing is that Nintendo is not planning to reduce the price of the Switch. Hopefully they will drop the price when the Switch 2 comes out, or we may have different definitions of "affordable".
The Switch currently sells for $300 and the OLED. In order to keep selling, those systems need to be significantly cheaper than the backwards compatible Switch 2, which would mean that the Switch 2 has to be sold for at least $400 (if not $450).
I would not be sure that Switch 2 will improve the performance of Switch games. Nintendo has shown that they care about perfect backwards compatibility (putting last gen chips into systems, allegedly testing the hell out of their emulators whenever they add a ROM to Switch Online). I could see the Switch 2 being limited to Switch 1 performance when in backwards compatibility mode to remove the risk of breaking some badly coded game.
I assume that the system will still be very hard to get on release. Nintendo is going to hoard systems until November and flood the market until December. If you or I cannot get the system on release day, we will complain to other fans, but we will keep looking until we find one or break down and pay scalper prices.
On the other hand, parents will want to go to Walmart at 3 PM on Black Friday and grab a system. If they don't find one, they will be super mad that they have to explain to little Timmy that he is not getting a new Nintendo for Christmas. It will make the news.
What I would like to see is Nintendo limiting how much their resale partners can bundle with the system. For a while with the Switch, you could find one in stores… assuming you also buy a GameStop carrying case, a GameStop controller, a set of gold audio cables, and 3 shovelware games for a premium price.
From what I have seen, there was nothing yet about Rozier betting on games either directly or via a proxy. Just that there was an unusual number of betting on the under and Terry leaving the game early. The NBA investigated the issue and cleared him, so I wonder if it was someone other than him that caused the unusual betting pattern. For example, people on the team knew that he was hurting but wanted to see if he could play through it.
That is very store dependent. Last time I checked, my local grocery store only had premium brand dry detergent but had discount brand liquid detergent that was cheaper than store brand (which is what I use). I did the math, and the price per load on the dry detergent was not that good. Obviously, my math assumes that the advertised loads per package is true (which is assuredly not the case) or, at least, that brands have the same degree of inflation in their figure.