Thanks too,
No problem with a community promoting Breitbart, FoxNews etc ?
Theses sites are respecting the rules ? There is no bigotry, lgbtphobia, etc in them ?
This is 100% no hurting content ?
Ok good to know.
Waiting to see, maybe I will have to delete this account too...
That community is a joke. How can we tolerate this ?
There is just breitbart and fox news craps in it.
Bigotry even expressed in a polite way is bigotry.
There is no need to speak therapy as an advice before a transition 🙄
We know the discourse by hearth and yeah that's pushing the idea of a mental disease concerned our choices... So it isn't welcomed !
There are more regrets regarding knee surgeries than there are for gender transitions, statistically speaking. Not to mention that detransitions are often a result of the transphobia present in our society.
When you will explain your symptoms, they will be listen.
I love my pixel 6a, except for this point.
Fortunately, I have no bad experience on it with USB c adapter and the jack glued to it 😁👌
Regarding your usage, you're family name is Stark.
Winter is coming,
Be prepared,
Im 100% linux (no steamdeck), and i dont got this one on my year review then, apparently ^^"
I would have love a full purple circle tho,
With conservative communities, you don't take this risk by avoiding them. They harbor disinformation and harmful content, even if it isn't expressed in a direct way. In our current context, they are harmful by nature.
Even if these communities did not exist, we would still encounter their viewpoints (conservative) in other contexts, one way or another. For example, a discussion about unionization in video games within a gaming-related community will still include their views.