So glad I blocked my TVs access to the Internet at the router level. Never complainrd about not setting up a network if the network doesn't work.
I'm petty and absolutely used this among other reasons to move away from home as far as I could. So much happier knowing I'm too far away to be bothered. It still sucks when I go home and get the same requests.
Also gym outside of work really helps. Had that not happened I might have found another excuse to not go
For me I paid for not only the gym but the trainer to help me build the routine and habit. I know that's not an option for all but I did this to make myself accountable. That and I'm tired of my back going out time and time again.
While I'm not in a country that does Celsius I ensured 35?, for a food festival because the wife and myself wanted some grilled food and were running errands otherwise.
We were definitely wiped out and were outside maybe two hours max.
Normally I don't go outside if I can help it unless it's 75-80F (26C) out less
I'm sorry that photo looks like a bad 80s horror movie makeup. Did a double take when I saw it was a real article.
Would you buy one if they were more affordable? Personal experience I agree they are quite a lot of money to get behind the wheel of.
While we have plenty of gas stations to fill up with home charging can be another hurdle that's costly or impossible depending on the living situation.
I saw it had an update. For a little while it wasn't working right so I swapped to extended and that's been running fine.
Normal stopped a while ago but extended is working well
Sure does. I've been using it for a few months.
Forgot to lead with that
Yeah I have ADHD and it can be tough to manage it. Always forgetting my meds isn't helping in the least bit
I used Netflix on my TV but after the password sharing and other issues I choose to block network access.
Most of my Internet is done on my computer.