More science than you've done in your life.
I thought you were done with me, or are you finally going to answer some questions? Cause I did ask you how you imagine a universe without gravity, but us in it could logically exist.
More science than you've done in your life.
I thought you were done with me, or are you finally going to answer some questions? Cause I did ask you how you imagine a universe without gravity, but us in it could logically exist.
Look in a mirror. You refuse to answer simple questions that are entirely relevant to the conversation, and are completely unyielding to alternate points of view.
And I type this from my lab waiting for a biosensor to baseline so I can do real scientific experiments today.
But, I'm a millenial.
Tell me how a universe without gravity could exist with us in it then. Because that's the bar set for whether something can be claimed as fact.
QM? Relativity?
Yep, covered both.
Because prior knowledge is relevant to any discussion. And I didn't call you a liar until you lied about doing a double blind astrology report. I said you fell for the Barnum effect before that, which you have yet to acknowledge.
Why skirt that issue? Why refuse to engage with the possibility you fell for the Barnum effect?
I’m done
Oh please be true. Because you've said that half a dozen times now, and I've made it quite clear I would be happy for that to be the case.
Why are none of the slang words being used in any way correctly?
Rizz means charisma not ham, and gyatt means a phat ass, not hamburgers.
nor would we have had the need to shut so many things down and isolate.
I'm not so sure. In my province we had very good mask use and vaccine uptake (once we could get them), but we still went back into lockdown, after our initial long ass lockdown, due to case loads still being too high.
Masks and vaccines did help of course, but are not a guarantee things will stay open.
the hypothetical fallibility of the senses
Which is just bullshit philosophical crap. In order to even have senses there must be gravity in the universe, so once again it is impossible to logically imagine a universe without gravity.
And as I have said before science is just a way to understand our perceived reality. If all our senses are flawed it does not matter because that is how we collectively perceive the universe, and that is what science is trying to explain.
I abandoned physics (I know more about our understanding of gravity than you do)
I took undergrad physics too, so doubt. And you're still a lair, because you would have brought up your physics background way earlier in the conversation if it was at all real.
He said as an example against gravity being non-absolute was an example of imagining a universe with floating islands. But that isn't a universe without gravity, that universe has gravity holding together the rocks of the, mountain and the planet above it. Sure gravity works differently than expected, but that is the theory of gravity, not the existence of it.
A universe with no gravity is one in which all matter just flies away from all other matter endlessly. No stars, no planets, no chemical reactions. And such a universe cannot exist with life in it, so you cannot logically imagine a universe with us in it that has no gravity. Thus we can know gravity does exist. It's the how gravity works that is up for debate in question, but it does absolutely exist.
You're too stupid to talk to it seems, because no where does he say gravity itself does not absolutely exist, but says that our ideas of how gravity exists could be wrong.
Already did, I agree with many of his points, and disagree with others.
When are you going to answer my question now?
or are you going ti finally fuck off, or is your autism making that impossible?
I’m not, but that doesn’t matter.
Took you long enough, and yes, it does matter.
I’ve answered every other question.
You have not, because I asked many, many times what science have you done?
Constantly conflate accuracy with precision
Wrong, I have already informed you you fell for the Barnum effect.
Believe in unfalsifiable truths in the empirical sciences
The existence of gravity is unfalsifiable, the explanation for it is. And when people discuss lack of absolute knowledge, that is what they are talking about, and that is what the video is talking about.
Think that credentials themselves are evidence
Nope, that's you lacking the ability to read once again.
And when are you going to read those papers I sent you?
Fuck off liar, or answer one of the many actual questions I posed you, or just read the papers I sent you.
No, you won't do any of that so just fuck off.
No, each instance is more like a country with it's own laws, and trade agreements with other countries to share or block content.