Schrödingers Russia is on the verge of collaps and about to conquer Europe for three years now
Musst nur gut an den Blüten vorbei zielen :)
Ich habe letztes Jahr aus 4 Pflanzen 100g raus bekommen. Das reicht mir dicke, ist aber natürlich Luft nach oben. Ich habe dafür aber auch fast nichts getan:
- 12 Liter Terracotta Töpfe gekauft, wenn du die Extra-Euros hast dann sind die so viel schöner und langlebiger als die aus Plastik für 4.99€.
- Tonscherben oder Steine auf die Löcher, Gemüseerde rein. Je einen Samen Auto feminisiert in die Mitte, nur knapp mit Erde bedeckt. Mit einem Glas Wasser gegossen, altes Brett oder Teller oder so drauf, damit das Wasser nicht verdunstet.
- Jeden Tag vorsichtig nachschauen ob der Keimling raus kommt. Dann natürlich Brett weg.
- Ab jetzt schön gießen wenn die Sonne drauf knallt. Ich habe auch die Zweige etwas auf Seite gebunden (LST). Ab und zu dran pinkeln wenn die Blüte los geht.
- Ernten, 2 Wochen in der Wohnung auf einen Kleiderbügel hängen zum trocknen.
- Ich mache das dieses Jahr wieder so.
I kinda disagree. Social media, even this very harmless version of it, is great for building opinions. But it's not great at making stuff happen in the real world. I will never meet anyone from Lemmy. It might be comforting to write about guillotines here, posting angry articles, but we in general and especially you Americans need to leave this save zone and actually do something. Fast. With your bodies. In the real world. Show up! Being online is a trap, it makes you feel like you're participating while it eats you time and kills your energy. Greta Thunberg stopped going to school, wrote a sign and sat down.
Get Signal, gather some local people and do stuff.
I agree it can be a challenge. Showing up and meeting a handful of people in the rain can be frustrating and disappointing. But there is no other way and these are real life experiences you will talk and bond about. Sorry for the pep talk. :)
I'm not saying you should leave. I love Lemmy! Use it as a tool, not a solution. And a messenger is much more helpful to organize you locally.
Well put! And please go vegan. Exploiting and murdering sentient beings by the billions in an industry too gruesome to look at because you are accustomed to a taste is peak capitalist cynicism.
My personal take:
No thanks! is the most powerful thing you can say. Don't engage, stop buying endless toys and distractions, build a local community, hang out with real people in reality, share stuff and be kind. Maybe blow up a pipeline too.
Edit: I didn't see the comment below, it's much better!
Thanks! This sounded very promising but I don't get any errors from git fsck
, so I have to keep looking for other solutions.
Since the update my pi-hole is stoll blocking stuff, but I can not reach the interface anymore. I'm on DietPi and use Unbound as well.
Sacrifice more time on this planet to the global suicide machine, so you can buy toys
The Fall of Civilizations is hauntingly beautiful