I'm worried MAGA has genuinely been working to make things so bad that the civil war they've been salivating for becomes the only possible outcome. I genuinely starting to wonder if we can restore any semblance of sanity to this country without violence entering the equation.
There are regular protests of thousands of people all across the country, but it never hits top headlines. There aren't nearly as many as there should be, but we're largely a broken people, a collective beaten dog cowed in the corner. We're burnt out. Literally every direction we turn, things are falling apart. The working class is almost entirely one or two paychecks from homelessness. Minimum wage hasn't increased in 15 years despite year after year of record earnings and productivity. A third of the country genuinely believes a rapist conman is their literal biblical savior.
We're fucking tired, man.
Not to be pedantic, but Hitler was in heavy combat in WW1, so he's actually pulled the trigger several times and we have no idea how many people he directly personally hurt or killed. Elon Musk would never let himself be put in harm's way. Hell, he'll use his own son as a bullet shield to ensure he's never in danger.
Good. I hope he's fucking devastated. I hope his entire world is fucking crumbling. Everyone with three working braincells or more knew exactly what would happen if we let the christonationalist fascists have total control of the government, and pieces of subhuman trash like him willingly made it happen.
Someone should. Trump and Musk made it very clear scientists aren't wanted in America.