On my phone I use youtube revanced and adguard dns, kiwi browser with ublock origin. On my PC I use just ublock origin. So far** I havent run into issues
This as well. I will say even the time where i would normally spend watching shows on stuff like dailymotion primewire etc i know most just watch youtube channels
I think its simply, at least for a while, the tech space was male dominated. And depending on the type of piracy, it requires an amount of tech skills
So but would this be games thst you have installed? Or is this just like the individual install files?
Im a little confused on whats the usecase for this? It seems cool but im a bit confused when youd be hosting stuff in this way
It probably varies by jurisdiction, but my understanding is any type of sex with an inmate from a police officer is always considered rape because they cannot legally provide consent
The biggest thing to ne is it can be misguided to join those types of groups when your in a position to be looking for a partner. In general, its great to be involved in activity/hobby groups, and if you find your partner there thats wonderful. But if you are joining just to find a partner, thats where things can get really disappointing and youre not exactly there for the right reason. At the time I was involved in more than enough hobby and activity groups, and didnt need to join more only for to be 'just there to meet women'. That is the element (in theory) thats good about dating apps. Im there to meet potential partners. Im not pretending to be interested in pottery just to meet a cute girl. Im on the app with a goal of meeting a partner, and want to talk to people who also want to meet a partner. Obviously people and app devs use dating apps for other purposes. But when you are busy with work, school, and have enough hobbies and activities, having something thats very straightforward about wanting to find a partner was a lot more direct way to find someone.
I always see his exact photo when i see this posted. Im pretty convinced that this isnt actually how kids are dressed, otherwise the photo would once in a while be changed up
I met my wife through PoF, but this is exactly how Id describe dating apps. They are so designed to keep you checking the app constantly, pay for premium features and feel awful about yourself. In my situation it really was the only way I could meet anyone (was in my rotations of grad school, working 12 hour days), but the apps were like measurably depressing me
I havent seen anything confirming its coming to PC?
Not a bad idea, but the issue again is i now have two separate filter lists, so then i run into issues where communities i want filtered on both, arent filtered. So lets say i seutup what you said, then all the sudden 5 keeping up wih the Kardashians communities really take off. I would need to block them all on one, and remember all 5 and switch to the other filter list and do the same. I know this all may seem trivial, but thats a simple example. I can think of a few reasons why having interchangeable or combinable filterlists would be really useful
Pumpkin pie also rarely is made with pumpkin, it's usually squash