Came here to say this.
GOD how I love the animated Hercules movie. It's a masterpiece.
That's what she said.
That's true! But I think more than one "front" can be open in this battle. And we also need the ones that can be won quicker or easier. Or at least start those too.
Exactly, you are going to lower and lower powers. (Is power the word in English here?)
ax², bx¹, cx⁰
It's so strange that it was always taught me as a²+b²+2ab. Of course I know it doesn't matter, but still strange to see it this way.
I really don't know why that happens to you, seems odd. Maybe worth a Github issue alongside a couple of logs from your server.
Yeah, when I only skimmed over the title I was thinking, whoa, are we doing this on Lemmy? Okay, nice!
And fortunately they made the law future proof. It doesn't say that "hey, you should use USB-C" but it says "hey, you should use the connector mentioned in Appendix H which is defined by committee R". That way they don't need to start over the whole bureaucratic process the pass the law, just ask a committee to reevaluate the tech and they change the appendix. It can be USB-D from tomorrow.
Except when you take that photo with a Samsung. Then the picture of the moon is always perfect.
Shows for me too.
I don't like sand.