Kung Fury is a self aware satire/homage. Breen is just incredible insanity.
It's obviously not great for the type of community that's about knowledge sharing and learning, and it does suck that a lot of communities went there.
But it's a great platform for simple social servers that are just about communicating. It's super easy to sign up and set up a server. A lot of it just works well for chat.
Them going public probably puts a timer on the service though, so if it happens Discord probably just will get worse.
HEY YOU'RE RIGHT! The people organizing and participating in this believe that this one day of action will solve every abstract problem that exists! I also have simplistic understanding of protest and goals! I also prefer to be snarky at anyone attempting to voice dissent towards the insanity happening in our country!
I'm really sorry to go over the top here, but seriously, there's no fucking handbook for what we're going through right now. There's no questgiver telling us concrete steps to take down objectively evil people. There's just people trying to figure out how to connect with each other and how to collectively voice dissent. Maybe we should give more credit to people doing imperfect things than to those doing nothing other than pointing out how imperfectly those things are.
I'd LOVE a resource like that! I'm sure it exists but I never found it, and it is a silly thing to be hung up on but I just didn't properly understand the folder structure. I've still used Linux plenty but I'm dragging my feet on using it as a daily driver, but I'm VERY close to making the jump.