
joined 2 years ago
submitted 54 minutes ago* (last edited 53 minutes ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I thought I couldn't post to for days when I could before. I kept getting this error "Language not supported" and found that changing it from English to "Unsupported" makes the submission go through.

Any ideas for why that is?


The Linux Ship of Theseus

Crossposted from:

  1. pick any distro and install it.
  2. Then, without installing another distro over the top of it, slowly convert it into another distro by replacing package managers, installed packages, and configurations.
  • System must be usable and fully native to the new distro (all old packages replaced with new ones).
  • No flatpaks, avoid snaps where physically possible, native packages only.


  • Easy: pick two similar distros, such as Ubuntu and Debian or Manjaro and Arch and go from the base to the derivative.
  • Medium: Same as easy but go from the derivative to the base.
  • Hard: Pick two disparate distros like Debian and Artix and go from one to the other.
  • Nightmare: Make a self-compiled distro your target.


  • chroot, dd, debootstrap, and partition editors that allow you to install the new system in an empty container or blanket-overwrite the old system go against the spirit of this challenge.
  • These are very useful and valid tools under a normal context and I strongly recommend learning them.
  • You can use them if you prefer, but The ship of Theseus was replaced one board at a time. We are trying to avoid dropping a new ship in the harbor and tugging the old one out.
  • It may however be a good idea to use them to test out the target system in a safe environment as you perform the migration back in the real root, so you have a reference to go by.

The Linux Ship of Theseus

Crossposted from:

  1. pick any distro and install it.
  2. Then, without installing another distro over the top of it, slowly convert it into another distro by replacing package managers, installed packages, and configurations.
  • System must be usable and fully native to the new distro (all old packages replaced with new ones).
  • No flatpaks, avoid snaps where physically possible, native packages only.


  • Easy: pick two similar distros, such as Ubuntu and Debian or Manjaro and Arch and go from the base to the derivative.
  • Medium: Same as easy but go from the derivative to the base.
  • Hard: Pick two disparate distros like Debian and Artix and go from one to the other.
  • Nightmare: Make a self-compiled distro your target.


  • chroot, dd, debootstrap, and partition editors that allow you to install the new system in an empty container or blanket-overwrite the old system go against the spirit of this challenge.
  • These are very useful and valid tools under a normal context and I strongly recommend learning them.
  • You can use them if you prefer, but The ship of Theseus was replaced one board at a time. We are trying to avoid dropping a new ship in the harbor and tugging the old one out.
  • It may however be a good idea to use them to test out the target system in a safe environment as you perform the migration back in the real root, so you have a reference to go by.

The Linux Ship of Theseus

Crossposted from:

  1. pick any distro and install it.
  2. Then, without installing another distro over the top of it, slowly convert it into another distro by replacing package managers, installed packages, and configurations.
  • System must be usable and fully native to the new distro (all old packages replaced with new ones).
  • No flatpaks, avoid snaps where physically possible, native packages only.


  • Easy: pick two similar distros, such as Ubuntu and Debian or Manjaro and Arch and go from the base to the derivative.
  • Medium: Same as easy but go from the derivative to the base.
  • Hard: Pick two disparate distros like Debian and Artix and go from one to the other.
  • Nightmare: Make a self-compiled distro your target.


  • chroot, dd, debootstrap, and partition editors that allow you to install the new system in an empty container or blanket-overwrite the old system go against the spirit of this challenge.
  • These are very useful and valid tools under a normal context and I strongly recommend learning them.
  • You can use them if you prefer, but The ship of Theseus was replaced one board at a time. We are trying to avoid dropping a new ship in the harbor and tugging the old one out.
  • It may however be a good idea to use them to test out the target system in a safe environment as you perform the migration back in the real root, so you have a reference to go by.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

I looked at that but it doesn't feel as nice as Asahi Linux - since it's not constrained to a VM and brightness and text look better.


3 years ago I needed a new computer and decided on an 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro, but did lots of overthinking about if I wanted to stick to it. I tried Asahi Linux didn't have any reasons at the time to use linux over macOS (but there was always the chance I might later), the build quality is 2nd to none, none of my Windows laptops lasted more than a few years.

3 years later, I've really been itching to switch to Linux. Two of several reasons: because its DEs are more customizable, it has better documented accessibility APIs if you want to make keyboard navigation software. I reinstalled Asahi Linux and really tried to make it my daily driver, but the lacks of apps would require me to dual boot: Photoshop and Roblox.

I researching again for computers closest to Macbook Pros but none of them come close to its build quality. I think it would be best for me to make my own desktop PC for linux. I don't think I'd fare well with another windows laptop brand.


3 years ago I needed a new computer and decided on an 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro, but did lots of overthinking about if I wanted to stick to it. I tried Asahi Linux didn't have any reasons at the time to use linux over macOS (but there was always the chance I might later), the build quality is 2nd to none, none of my Windows laptops lasted more than a few years.

3 years later, I've really been itching to switch to Linux. Two of several reasons: because its DEs are more customizable, it has better documented accessibility APIs if you want to make keyboard navigation software. I reinstalled Asahi Linux and really tried to make it my daily driver, but the lacks of apps would require me to dual boot: Photoshop and Roblox.

I researching again for computers closest to Macbook Pros but none of them come close to its build quality. I think it would be best for me to make my own desktop PC for linux. I don't think I'd fare well with another windows laptop brand.


Fastbackgroundcheck. com says there's info on me on truthfinder, spokeo, peoplefinders and instantcheckmate. When I try going through all four of those sites takes a super long time, including a few times in the past when I tried getting reports on myself.

The progress bars reach 100% and reset continously. If these sites are legimate like some reddit users claim, then why or be upfront about wanting me to pay? Right now I'm convinced that these sites are snake oil, maybe they work if you pay but the behavior of the free options turn me off. They act 100% like typical scam websites, the kind that asks you to complete three surveys on external sites with fake progress bars.

Basic info like my full name, address, age, and siblings can be found with search engines easily but I feel like there's no point in trying to wipe it if there aren't methods that could definitely work.


Fastbackgroundcheck. com says there's info on me on truthfinder, spokeo, peoplefinders and instantcheckmate. When I try going through all four of those sites takes a super long time, including a few times in the past when I tried getting reports on myself.

The progress bars reach 100% and reset continously. If these sites are legimate like some reddit users claim, then why or be upfront about wanting me to pay? Right now I'm convinced that these sites are snake oil, maybe they work if you pay but the behavior of the free options turn me off. They act 100% like typical scam websites, the kind that asks you to complete three surveys on external sites with fake progress bars.

Basic info like my full name, address, age, and siblings can be found with search engines easily but I feel like there's no point in trying to wipe it if there aren't methods that could definitely work.


Fastbackgroundcheck. com says there's info on me on truthfinder, spokeo, peoplefinders and instantcheckmate. When I try going through all four of those sites takes a super long time, including a few times in the past when I tried getting reports on myself.

The progress bars reach 100% and reset continously. If these sites are legimate like some reddit users claim, then why or be upfront about wanting me to pay? Right now I'm convinced that these sites are snake oil, maybe they work if you pay but the behavior of the free options turn me off. They act 100% like typical scam websites, the kind that asks you to complete three surveys on external sites with fake progress bars.

Basic info like my full name, address, age, and siblings can be found with search engines easily but I feel like there's no point in trying to wipe it if there aren't methods that could definitely work.


Fastbackgroundcheck. com says there's info on me on truthfinder, spokeo, peoplefinders and instantcheckmate. When I try going through all four of those sites takes a super long time, including a few times in the past when I tried getting reports on myself.

The progress bars reach 100% and reset continously. If these sites are legimate like some reddit users claim, then why or be upfront about wanting me to pay? Right now I'm convinced that these sites are snake oil, maybe they work if you pay but the behavior of the free options turn me off. They act 100% like typical scam websites, the kind that asks you to complete three surveys on external sites with fake progress bars.

Basic info like my full name, address, age, and siblings can be found with search engines easily but I feel like there's no point in trying to wipe it if there aren't methods that could definitely work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

As the name says, It's just using kscreen-doctor under the hood to change the refresh rate to available modes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You can see features & documentation on

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

... at least 8 years late

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Bruh I'm not spending all day on social media, I just have accounts on multiple sites and it doesn't take long to either post on one site or crosspost.

Thanks for the detailed reply though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Like many things in tech, the command line was created when nothing like it existed before and over time it has gained unique traits that make it appealing (SSHing, programs tending to be open source and cross platform, mouseless UIs, etc.) but also lack things that alternatives, for instance multiple font sizes. Thus the need to reinvent the wheel like this. I made this post Is the line between TUIs and GUIs blurring? What's the difference in rendering and compute demand between them? which got 64 comments.

Same thing with the web really, a lot reinventing of the wheel of what OSes do, but there was nothing like it before where devices across the world communicate with each other, hence less need for things like sandboxing completely un-trusted code and a comprehensive app permission system (location, camera, etc.).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

GrapheneOS is not your typical android image ... and that's why its great!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

All of them are pushing generative AI that many users don't want and you have to manually opt out on Windows and Mac.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 week ago (8 children)

"I can't delete bloatware" - all 3 of them

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah I chose KDE and am pretty happy with it so far.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It was like watching a scene from an episode of a reality TV show from the early 2000s.

That's not a coincidence.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Sovled: Users here suggested which works wonderfully, even with video wallpapers!

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