It's FUD + sick, yep checks out.
And what would be the punishment for doing one of these prohibited actions by a student? And who is to enforce it? And distressing that the made up litter box right wing propaganda would make it into an actual law.
Maybe we should make a law against kids fucking couches and other furniture also! I'm sure JD would endorse it!
Oh the irony that the shitheads that couldn't wear a mask, and want to ban books because of "parent rights", now want to ice parents out of the decision of a rando looking at their kids genitals.
And they are all making $$$. Insiders make out like crazy when the economy crashes, buy the low and hold. Open a for-profit prison. Get shady government contracts. Get the President to do a commercial for your cars in front of the White House. And on and on.
Saw a great video of his approval numbers and he is underwater compared to every other president for this soon in. His only competition, and President he still comes in 2nd worst to depending on the topic, is himself from his first term. 🤣🤣
And decided by the guy who started the birther conspiracy, feeds the pedo conspiracy (while openly being one), and told the world that his Presidential rival "turned black".
Fuck Trump and Musk, they both seem to be real musky about being called out for being awful humans. Trump should probably be more concerned with what JD is doing to the White House furniture, going to have to get plastic sheets to cover them all.
I'd be willing to bet Donald neither paid for, or kept, the Tesla fleet he wouldn't know how to drive if he did.
Why would the administration led by a guy that committed racist housing discrimination with his father in the past want to weaken housing discrimination laws? Must be a coincidence! /s
Trump did a supermarket thing while out doing his disinformation circuit, and the owner guy was trying to explain things to him and you could tell Trump had never grocery shopped and then quickly lost interest and tuned the guy completely out.
The McDonald's fries thing was also amusing when he learned "how fries were made" and that they put them in a basket and not scoop them out by hand lol.
Oh the irony of a paper billionaire, rich off the labor of the people that depend on programs like Social Security, calling it a ponzi scheme is wild.
And it's no more a ponzi scheme than say insurance, 401Ks, or Medicare that people pay into because the government has left them no alternative way of affording to stay alive once they stop providing labor to the machine.
And these rich assholes that have no need for these social services because they have billions, or pensions, or government insurance need to STFU.
This broadcasts his insecurities about being clueless how the economy or anything works, and has surrounded himself with yes men idiots that can't even bail him out of this hole he dug himself. A big tell is he is so pissed he is giving them over 4 wks to lift their electricity premium.
As an American I say Canada should just go the "we don't bargain with terrorists" approach and just cut the electric today. Call the bully's bluff.
The problem they don't grasp is, that if you condition a population to disregard all reality, and replace it with conspiracy theories and disinformation you are going to have a growing pool of people even they won't be able to reach.
The cult is going to leave a wake of broken people that are going to need mental health services if they are ever going to reintegrate with society.