Exactly. Why can’t people vote for the lesser evil in the short term and push for change after the election too. There was no scenario where the protest vote didn’t give us a far worse option. As bad as Biden was on Gaza, he capitulated more than Trump ever will. Plus, one issue voting is just an insane mindset in a winner take all electoral system like America.
joined 2 months ago
No, it’s brain dead to think you can oppose a corrupt entrenched power structure by taking your ball and going home. Elections alone won’t fix shit. Sitting them out to let in MAGA fascism definitely isn’t going to do it. Change takes decades, but if you give power to the people who will oppress harder and more readily, you are just ensuring more people get hurt in the process. The democrats at least bow to pressure some. Trump wants to shoot protestors and made sure to appoint people down with that. So yeah, I’m blaming really naive voters along with blaming our corrupt system not offering better options. Hate to tell you, but life is more nuanced than straight good and evil.