
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (8 children)

Slay the Spire
Vampire Survivor & Clones

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago

Cataclismo - 92% Overall on Steam

[–] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago

Cataclismo - 92% Overall on Steam

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

This list is the way to go. My last Lan party was about 17 years back but there is one golden rule, which is still more important than anything else: pick a game no one has played or one that everybody is familiar with! The biggest fun killers are unbalanced teams and matches. Despite that, we liked the first flat out game which now should be wreckfest and strangely enough a soccer mod for CS:S back then.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

So how did it go? Were you able to bring down the temps?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

TBH I wouldn't recommend this one blindly. Sure it would help but it depends on the skills, used paste and circumstances. Under "normal" use with a branded thermal paste the intervals should be somewhere between 4 and 5 years. If the CPU and GPU are cooking the whole time then yeah, 1 to 2 years. But even then, if you're not a little bit tech savvy, impatient and cautious you can mess up pretty badly...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The anti sag brick looks nice but is restricting airflow from the side, if you can look for a stand for the corner of the GPU.

You don't have to populate all available fan slots. I would recommend you to remove the bottom one entirely, even if your PC is on top of a table and dust isn't a problem, this fan redirects a lot of the air, coming from the front 2, slightly up to the CPU.

The problem with the top one is, even if you rotate it to be an intake, it could push the air, coming from the front, down away from the CPU flow.

Short: try and simply remove the bottom and the top front one entirely.

Like someone already stated, you want the air to move linearly from one side to another.

I don't recommend to use air guides since they can create pressure points and block other components. Components like RAM, VRMs and drives also need some fresh air.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

What's the thing between the PSU and the GPU?
And what's the orientation of the fans?

The main question is: does your GPU have a no fan idle mode? AFAIK the fans won't spin till the GPU reaches 60°C and cool it back down to 40 or 45, sorry can't remember.

Usually you want to have a 3 intake at the front panel and 2 exhausts, one at the back inline with the CPU cooler and one at the top as far behind as possible. Since you're running, what looks like, a mini tower you can with the same layout as a midi but 2+2 (2 intake front, 1 exhaust back, 1 exhaust top far behind). For a positive pressure you can mount an additional fan on top, at the front as an intake.

For the best result you should take your time and fiddle around, measure and document

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

IMO we really should try to look at these games as "new ones" and not put them into a Schublade (pigeonhole). Please correct my phrasing if I'm wrong.

It's its own style, gameplay and story. Sure we can make comparisons but we shouldn't expect them to be like the games we compare them with. As an example, Avowed was compared to Skyrim and people immediately jumped the train and accused it of being too linear, not big enough and not having much choices. Undeserved because it's nothing like Skyrim, at least for me.

I hope Rebellion didn't chase any trend and had its own ideas but we will see. And btw: never, NEVER preorder!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

The parkour system in unity is the most advanced, most fluid one in the whole series!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Soooo... I think I'm about to leave the first proper map. The voices aren't as bad as I thought at the beginning. Some NPCs have stronger accents than others, taking the backstory of the island to account it totally makes sense since a lot of people are coming from different regions.
I love the comments from the companions every time you stumble across a new region, street, house. It really lets you feel like they know the way around and you're the visitor.

The story picks up a notch and gives enough choices for every mood. Also it lets you remember some of your choices and opens new ways to solve some quests. Combat feels better and better as more you dive into. All weapons are viable and are well balanced. I started as a heavy two hand melee but now my second loadout is a book with a pistol...

The map design is really really nice IMO. You really have to take a look behind everything to find something. The loot is plausible. Enemy placement don't feel off.

After all it's a good solid game. Maybe not a full priced one but for 10-20€ off a really nice worth to be played one.
I hope it doesn't fall off the more you play..

Performance got worse in Paradis but still is around 90 in my case.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Only the Add-on, 30% off or so.


Hey and i'm already sorry for this topic but i can't find what i'm looking for.

Playing Fo76 for a few weeks and I'm about level 90. I tried a few playstyles ("sniper" commando, bows) but nothing really hooked so I wanted to try a Heavy Gunner PA Build but all of them are for 500+ players...

May anyone of you please show me the right direction or even a build i can follow or at least try to aim for? Still trying to learn the game...
VATS focus is optional but nice to have.

Thanks in advance and have an nice holiday^^

Is this a bug? (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Was farming some SCs for the upcoming warbond and noticed this flaming ball in space. It's the second time i've seen it.

Pls tell me i'm stupid or something but I just simply can't shrug it off.


IMO Season 3 is a step back. I finally managed to get the Tempest Roar at around 85 for my Druid and there is literally no Endgame.... A week ago i've completted all season milestones and didn't uninstal the game because of the lunar event. An event from 6. till 20 feb... i finished the event in an hour. Blizzard has so many resources and still manage to fail. Gauntlet was going to be the silver lining of this season for me and they still cant bring it online.

I regreted the purchase of D4 at season1, s2 kinda gave hope but the last 2 weeks, nah i'm done.


Enemies vampire-ability and the suppressor will be nerfed. Also the companion got a slightly buff.

Most of the update will be bug fixes.


Blizzard took down the patchnotes for 1.3.1 planned to release on January 30 and instead released the Patch 1.3.0a today.


[email protected]

Edit: tried the Crosspost feature of Eternity on Android and failed to check.

Link war to this post:


Are you planing to play this season and are you coming back, are you still playing or will you skip it?


Hey, just for the future record.

If you have trouble downloading the GameSir T4K App from Microsoft store as I am right now and the puplisher forgot to post a proper download link outside ms store.

You can download the app via powershell.: PowerShell as admin

2.type winget install "gamesir t4k app"

3.check if it's the correct app and confirm


Note: you can search for apps with winget search appname

M$ is broken af...

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

o7 CMDRs,

I finally managed to finish my federation rank grind but I'm currently unsure how to proceed further. After searching for a build it shows most of the time people suggesting only engineered corvettes, the problem is I don't know 1 thing about engineering. I know it's kind of a big deal but ATM I just want to try out the vette.

Can anyone recommend a non engineered build for low end PvE combat? Bare in mind I'm literally a noob^^


Patchnotes for the upcoming 1.1.1 are live. Have fun reading^^


Serverdowntime assumed to end around 16:00 BST.

Btw does anyone also have problems to create a post via browser in this community? I have to use liftoff on android, on pc (no matter of browser) it will stuck at the circle animation when clicking post.


Hey fellow wanderers,

So what is your favourite class/build? I've a necro and a barb at level 75 on WT4 at the eternal realm also a rogue, druid and a sorcerer at 50 WT3 in season.

TBH I'm all over the place in terms of builds for the last 3.

Icy-veins and maxroll have some pretty solid builds but I just can't decide so I'm asking you: what's your favourite classes or builds so far?

For me it's the HotA Barb, it feels just right. Still looking for the ranged equivalent though.

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