I'm in Argentina. Help....me. Although we have been in trouble since I've been alive so there's that P.S.: Don't send prayers, send money lmao
Milei quiere ser como Trump y Bolsonaro, y todos vimos lo que pasó con EEUU y Brasil. Necesitamos políticos que dejen de echarse la culpa entre ellos y se pongan a trabajar en conjunto para solucionar los problemas. Lamentablemente ninguno de los candidatos sirven para eso. Sin líderes decididos estamos condenados a seguir en la misma
Angry sad noises. Yeah, I know. But I needed to rant about it anyways. There's so much wrong with the world and I can change nothing
Yeah you are right, but it's all speculation. They are covering their ass. Even if production came to a halt, I'm sure these companies would be alright. I guess the world always works like this. It makes me angry
I can't believe these companies can increase prices as if nothing. Like, it's not even near their production sites, yet they try to profit from every single event. It's so scummy
I had a Moto G4 plus until two years ago. It lasted me 6 years, stuck at Android 8. It worked slow but it was functional. Replaced battery only once. If you take care of your device it can last even longer. I would probably still have the phone if it wasn't that it was becoming too slow and a hassle to do even simple tasks