First being our boy Kazuya presumably? Lmao
Okay so believe it or not like most other anime this is an adaptation of the source material. So these writers you are talking about, the Author wrote the scene years ago, in a book.
Also this is actually a 24 episode season, though I'm not sure if it's a split cour or not
I think vandalizing cyber trucks is funny, the cars not so much. You have to be so far up your own ass to buy the Cyber Truck you deserve anything coming to ya. The cars despite how much it annoys me most people missed the obvious Nazi for what he was up until the Sieg Hail
While this is pretty hilarious LLMs don't actually "know" anything in the usual sense of the word. An LLM, or a Large Language Model is a basically a system that maps "words" to other "words" to allow a computer to understand language. IE all an LLM knows is that when it sees "I love" what probably comes next is "my mom|my dad|ect". Because of this behavior, and the fact we can train them on the massive swath of people asking questions and getting awnsers on the internet LLMs essentially by chance are mostly okay at "answering" a question but really they are just picking the next most likely word over and over from their training which usually ends up reasonably accurate.
So basically everything with a long ass title comes from the long ass title LN era. The TLDR is it became difficult to hook people on your book so they'd buy it so authors/publishers/whoever decided to more or less put the entire plot summary as the title. A good example is That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. Lot of these are actually quite old, from what I understand titles are less stupid nowadays.
Far as good isekai go Konosuba is definitely on the list, as well as the other 3 Quartet members (Re:Zero, Overlord, Tanya the Evil) plus Shield Hero though the story after the primary arc has so far been quite lackluster, also the season 2 adaptation is pretty crummy. I've also found The Eminence in Shadow very enjoyable, Cid is a very Ainz type stumbles into success type character which I quite like.
If I had to chose specifically a long ass title isekai it'd have to be Tensura (that slime one from earlier) which I liked enough to read um everything. I've read the LNs, WN, Manga, Diaries spinoff, Clayman spinoff, Rabbit spinoff, and the Trinity spinoff. You could say I enjoy it quite a bit. The core of Tensura is not a battle anime but more along the lines of a city builder. You get to watch Rimuru slowly build a city, run into silly isekai problems and have fun isekai fights but really truly Tensura is about yapping. That's not to say there aren't good fights (though 8bit has kind of been slacking off when it comes to adapting them so far...) it's just don't go into it expecting your typical battle Shonen type shit. They fight sometimes but frankly speaking Fuse the author isn't very good at writing fight scenes. It gets especially bad once the power scaling gets a bit out of hand where it's pretty much just "Oh you've resisted my instant death move, that's a shame I'll have to use my instant death move V2 then haha!" "Impossible! How did you defend against my instant death move V2??" "Hmm yes it's a shame, but, I have an immunity to death, you can only kill me with battle will..." and then they sword fight or whatever for awhile and one of them wins because they have more existence points. Being a bit dramatic but they get extremely samey after should be season 5? if we get that far
Edit: oop. I thought I was on the anime thread I guess. Scrolled down a bit and saw what appeared to be a copy of this same post which is when I noticed, oh well. I've read at the very least the Manga for everything I talked about lol
Cry about it. Crypto bros make the same excuses to this day prove your bullshit works before you start shoving it in my face. And yes, LLMs are really unhelpful. There's extremely little value you can get out of them (outside of generating text that looks like a human wrote it which is what they are designed to do) unless you are a proper moron.
Is that so? I don't find it odd at all when the only thing LLMs are good at so far is losing people their jobs and lowering the quality of essentially everything they get shoved into.
There's gonna be an oh shit moment for a lot of the supporters hopefully, but the actual people in power want the government to collapse. Their goal is to remake all aspects of the government as a private for profit business. The first steps in such a plan is obviously the destruction of public services like the Mail.
The goal here is not actually to save money for the US government, it's to make money from replacing the government with your own private businesses
Yes, yet this misunderstanding is still extremely common.
People like to anthropomorphize things, obviously people are going to anthropomorphize LLMs, but as things stand people actually believe that LLMs are capable of thinking, of making real decisions in the way that a thinking being does. Your average Koala, who's brain is literally smooth has better intellectual capabilities than any LLM. The koala can't create human looking sentences but it's capable of making actual decisions.
I sure hope so, Creepy Nuts have been making some really popular tracks for anime since COTN (Mashle and Dandadan)
Important correction, hallucinations are when the next most likely words don't happen to have some sort of correct meaning. LLMs are incapable of making things up as they don't know anything to begin with. They are just fancy autocorrect
OPM is at minimum another 2 seasons before ending and ONE still isn't done writing it and with the current arc I'd expect 3.