Why not?
Company's gonna need that back, sorry.
Gotta get them clicks tho. Maybe we're at the beginning of a transition from, "shocking and attention-grabbing headlines," to, "attention-grabbing but also poorly written in a way that it'll agitate an even wider wash of readers"
Hell fricken yeah
That's dreadful; I love it
You don't necessarily know how left I am, though
I don't think they were trying to propagate a conspiracy, just provide an example of a possible outcome with respect to, "mainstream social media"
I'm not a democrat, I'm far more left. But if there's something I'd like the Republicans to do, it's to actually repeal some of their laws and attempt to make the government a bit smaller and more efficient (without just removing funding/programs/departments). Currently, that doesn't seem to be happening.
These bastards are barely looking at the orb while they ponder it!
Don't put the curse of, "never will be," on us
A general, mass strike would probably never happen. But it should. More strikes in general. I feel like there are still things to try before going full Joker
As that one fucking taco commercial put it: ¿Por qué no los dos?