
joined 2 years ago
[–] Twodozeneggs 2 points 2 weeks ago

Hot chunk of sensual, curvaceous wood! And tasteful guitar strap 10/10

Lovely guitar! Enjoy!

[–] Twodozeneggs 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

His main accomplishment unfortunately was handing the presidency to Trump.

If he had followed through on his promise to be a one term president, and encouraged a primary I think its very likely we'd be in a different place now.

Desperately holding onto power until 3 months before the election doomed us to the reality we're in now.

[–] Twodozeneggs 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I do wish I would've paid more attention to the spacing when I was laying it out, it's a little wonky

[–] Twodozeneggs 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Haha not sure if your being sarcastical, but I swear it looks better now! Did some cable management since the photo :)

[–] Twodozeneggs 3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I've taken the wl50 off as it doesn't really give me much range in my little office/studio

[–] Twodozeneggs 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

"We're all whores in some ways" -great gam gam.. Beerfest

[–] Twodozeneggs 1 points 5 months ago

"Vintage guitars represent a piece of history that can't be replicated"

I think that's where i disagree, I think most coveted vintage guitars can absolutely be replicated. And although I have to concede that I'm no expert, I've heard the same sentiment from folks that I would consider experts. I've recently heard Philip McKnight say as much on one of his Friday podcast/shows.

Personally I'd rather spend 6-7 grand on a gibson custom shop reissue than pony up for a real vintage instrument for 10k+

[–] Twodozeneggs 6 points 5 months ago

"The children of time" by Adrian Tchaikovsky might be something like what your looking for.

Sci Fi with spiders point of view. Highly recommend if you don't have arachnophobia.

[–] Twodozeneggs 1 points 6 months ago

Think she poops? -PBD

[–] Twodozeneggs 7 points 6 months ago (19 children)

Lots of typos for someone championing high school english..

So your brilliant analysis that I overlooked in my assessment is that:

"concepts of a plan conveys that one has ideas or concepts of a plan"

Lmao, your brain worms must be starving

[–] Twodozeneggs 12 points 6 months ago (29 children)

'I have Concepts of a plan, I'm not president' That's a weak, dog ate my homework, BS non-answer that any intelligent listener heard and understood as such.

'eating pets' You gonna defend the ex president repeating easily disproven twitter misinfo on the debate stage too? We both know it would've bothered you if Kamala did.

Any major gaffes or mistakes made by Kamala you care to mention? Or was it just her face that you, a paragon of impartiality, object to?

[–] Twodozeneggs 21 points 6 months ago (31 children)

Interesting that Kamalas facial reactions bothered you that much, but apparently Trump's clown faces didn't even rate a mention. It's almost like your not nearly as impartial as your pretending.

Trump looked and sounded like a sloppy bafoon.

Concepts of a plan? Eating pets?

Your huffing weapons grade copium my dude.


Does anyone have experience adding a tremolo of any kind onto a guitar? I somehow managed to own a handful of solid body electric guitars without having a trem on any of them.

I've seen bigsby trems with vibramate mounting kits that don't require any drilling to install, but their pretty expensive.

I've also seen the duesenberg tremolo that installs right over the bridge.

I'm considering putting something like that on my les Paul or telecaster. Has anyone done something similar? Is this something I can reasonably do myself? Looking for recommendations and/or advice.



New to me 2003/4 Godin Kingpin I cleaned it up a bit and put new strings on. Really happy with it.

It probably needs a professional setup, as the action is a bit high, but I was able to set the intonation by nudging the floating bridge.


So many of my bookmarked guitar resource websites are now dead, RIP stringery and Vanderbilly. Here are my go to YouTube channels and websites for guitar content. Share your favorites!

Justin Guitar Maybe the biggest/best guitar instruction to be found online. I linked to his YouTube channel, but he also has a website with free and paid lessons.

EricHaugenGuitar I really enjoy Eric Haugen's videos, and I've purchased a few of his tabbed out compositions from his website. He has great reviews too, just an authentic positive person, who I enjoy learning from.

PhillipMcKnight The best guitar gear channel I've found. Has a ton of great videos showing how to do simple guitar repairs, reviewing gear etc. Warning Watching potentially dangerous for your wallet

GuitarSite clunky name, great resource for gear research

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