
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

The hardware is, which is the important part at scale: even if the code is 10x more expensive when you sell millions of the car it becomes pennies/car


[email protected]

If you love cyberpunk universes but also think most problems should be solved by fireballs you're bound to love Shadowrun, one of the oldest TTRPGs still kicking!

Whether you're a 2nd edition aficionado, you're already waiting for 7E, just interested by the universe or completely new to the party feel free to drop by our EN/FR community!

I'm already in the process of documenting my own campaigns and showing off my beautiful commissioned art and I would love to see what other people have done with that incredibly dense universe!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Here's mine, using a fair share of Mushroom for the light buttons, the "Room" tiles are actually pretty great!

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago (2 children)

CarPlay and Android Auto aren't car OSes though, they're merely an infotainment interface. You still need a way for the user to check the tire pressure, choose between sports mode and eco mode... Cars manufacturers could just implement the basics and let CarPlay/Auto do the rest but in that case anyone that doesn't have a compatible phone is stuck without infotainment, same if you run out of battery.

CarPlay and Auto being so good is somewhat to blame for first party interfaces being that bad though: why spend litteral millions on look and feel if you know the users who care won't be using it

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

I think it's canon that wether in DnD or PF anyone can learn arcane magic if they take the time to do so (and they have a way to pay for it, most people can't afford to not work for 5-10 years)

The thing is, even if someone has the money and the time maybe they don't want to spend it, especially if magical scrolls/wands can let you cast spells fairly easily.

To me it's the same thing as saying to some kid "you can learn to be a robotics engineer and in 5-10 years and $100k of debt you'll be able to make robots that can do anything for you, including being strong" and the kid just replies "That's cool, but I think I'll just go to the gym thank you"

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 years ago (10 children)

It somewhat makes sense in universe though, if any guy who spends a few years in a magic school can best your guards/rookie soldiers without a sweat there would only be magic users!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 years ago

Not exactly, most of the characters seem to call the company E Corp but the main character (who's also the narrator) "corrects it" in his head.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 years ago

But think about it though, it could be a way for X users that are prone to identity theft to be easily recognizable, like for instance if you're notable enough they could verify your ID and then give something to your profile so people know it's the real you! I'm thinking maybe a Blue X ?

You all can't see Musk's genius, that's all.


I know it's kinda cliché for a TTRPG community but honestly I don't care, I want to read about fun, weird, impractical or bizarre characters! Maybe your character had a big secret that you had to keep for yourself until the right time? Well of course I want to read about those too!

It doesn't really matter if it's a character you actually played or if it was just a concept!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Une solution pourrait simplement être d'interdire les contrats qui empêche les agriculteurs de replanter les graines issues de la récolte précédente, ou une limite aux brevets comme on fait pour les médicaments génériques.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Oui effectivement, je parlais de toutes les technologies pour faire des OGM, en contradiction avec l'édition de génome "à l'aveugle" qu'on fait avec des croisements.

La dernière partie de ton commentaire à propos du cartel des fabricants est un problème qui existe déjà sans les cultures OGMs et j'espère que l'on pourra légiférer tout ça assez vite pour enlever cette dépendance qu'ont les éleveurs aux vendeurs de semence.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (12 children)

Tant mieux, c'était assez étrange de limiter une technologie qui existe depuis si longtemps par pure peur. La modification génétique c'est juste une façon plus simple de faire des croisement de toutes façons.


So, talking about Cutting Black, I was thinking about running an heavily modified version for my players, it would have been their first big run (they usually only ran for small actors in Eastern Berlin so obviously that was big.

Basically, the first few sessions were about how they came into Detroit, the atmosphere of it and them trying to find a way to have some semblance of matrix access so the two technos could breath a little. So since they managed to hack an Ares 'link and piggyback on its connection for a few days they felt like they could explore a little bit.

The specialist of the group ("Streit") had always been the kind of guy to shoot first and ask questions never, to the point where some members of the team would regularly express their discontent directly to his face. It's not too much of a surprise the group didn't try to hard to reason with him when he had the idea of exploring one of the No Go Zones.

He found an Ares military camp, he tried to just walk to it but he found himself with a red dot on the shirt and a sergeant shouting at him. He thought he could reason with the still-shook sergeant. He could not. The sergeant's wife (a low level combat mage) showed him her mojo, thinking it would make him think twice about doing something dumb... After a warning shot Streit took cover behind a car and used a Called Shot to pulverize the mage's brain into a fine mist.

After some shenanigans the rest of the group see Streit walking back, covered in blood (he killed ~10 Ares soldiers, including some that tried to stop him from exiting the NGZ) with some bad wounds, not exactly what they had in mind from a simple exploration mission.

The group was not amused, half the group called him a liability, saying he was on his last chance and he blew it. They decided since they were ill-prepared that run wasn't worth it and that they wouldn't run with Streit anymore. A single other PC stayed with Streit, the group's Black Mage/Face, Whitemane.

That was effectively the end of the entire campaign, after a mere 2 days in Detroit. Streit's player told me he was honestly kinda tired of Streit and told me to retire him so I wrote a 13 chapter novel to explain exactly what happened in Detroit and we continued from there.

Honestly, I'm glad things went that way. Sure, The campaign seemed really interesting but the 2.5h of drama-filled RP and the lasting consequences on their characters was so worth that price.

Steve Train (Rule) (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Made by s_beta on Fiverr, can't recommend enough! I basically just had to give her a basic idea, a few references and my character's concept and there he was!

River is my French Ogre Tarot Mage, his mentor is the Arcana, he tends to calls it "Destiny" or "Fate" though. He's convinced Fate exists and has learned to just go with the flow and to just go from event to event without letting the bad one weigh him down.

He has the Avenging Angel Code of Honor so the only Combat spell he knows is Stunbolt, he also has a revolver but only ever buys Stick n' Shock ammo. His team is on the exact opposite of the aggression scale so he tends to spend a lot of time healing dying opponents in fights.

He's pretty much a support mage, my goal is to be a master diviner and to use tarot summoning as much as possible (I just love the randomness of it). As of now he mostly has manipulation and illusion spells.


Okay so my players have spent most of their time in Eastern Berlin. After their latest run a big group of anarchists will approach them.

I think I played a bit too much with the "faceless evil" trope so I kinda want to have a proper bad guy on this few runs. The issue being that I don't really know what kind of bad guy would be a good fit. Even the obvious corpo exec I'm having a hard time finding a good motivation.

Do you guys have any idea for a cool bbeg that people would remember? Also even if it doesn't apply to my situation I'd love to hear about your bbeg!

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