
joined 2 years ago
[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 months ago

same here, i got it super cheap at a SAAN here in canada from the discounted bin. One of the best games I ever played.

Wish I could play the new one, but life has dealt me a shit hand the past 6 years so doubtful I'll ever get to


Cant seem to get my sound card to work with 5.1

Think i found a website where i can get my 5760x1080 display back.

Sadly the games on steam are limited! Not sure about epic and gog games yet tho.

Still gotta find software to run my fans, or at least a monitor. Need to find something for the little 3.5" display.

But its up and running!

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 90 points 2 months ago (1 children)

trump would never let his GF date Trudeau, are you kidding?


First off, I have had a few different linux distro's over the years but I hardly know whats going on. Had a headless server, where again, I barely got it up and running.

Right now all but my main PC are running mint and I'm almost there on biting the bullet on moving my main to mint but I'm just not sure if it'll run everything, along with triple monitor setup. I was thinking of temple OS, but mint would probably be my choice.

Thoughts or suggestions?


Ryzen 5 5600x

32gb 3200Mhz


MSI X570

1Tb NVMe

110Gb SSD

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 months ago

Drones eye view

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 months ago

While I cant rule it out with chat GPT and AI the way it is today, I remember some of the posts they have made in other communities I'm in and I'm leaning to human. I recognize the writing style on multiple accounts, its unique for sure

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 52 points 2 months ago (10 children)

ok, being honest here.

i remember you from a while back (old posts) and being straight up, you do seem kinda young and childlike. I do not know how old you really are, but if i was guessing, 14-16.

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's a bad one. Stupid even

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

well, to be fair, we can see the same amount of stuff in every direction without an edge. and at the rate of expansion, we could never reach the 'edge' we can currently see. so we kinda are at the centre of the universe

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

what did you do there?

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 months ago

mine is the blue and gold macaw

[–] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

without people on the planet to remember those who lived, the memory dies


Background of the ammo plant:

  • Egret tours marina is my ammo plant, and I have it where you drop all your junk, weapons, armour, and stuff into a trunk, then it will break down everything into components needed for ammo into hoppers or back into your workbench automatically. You select the ammo you want to build from the computer, throw the corresponding lever to let the ingredients onto the belt to feed the ammo plant and let it work. It puts the ammo in the workbench for you to collect and also has a cleanout system to clean itself out after and replaces the items back into their bin for the next run.

Background of the save:

  • I started FO4 with this save, and it has gone through some...issues...over the years. Started playing this save way before sim settlements the original. Modded it part way through with SS1 and all the goodness that went along with it. Screwed up the save to the point it was not even stable enough to do any settlement building so I kinda gave it up. SS2 came out and I thought "bah, it cant hurt plopping a huge new mod right on top of an old one, even tho it tells me not to!" and it turned out about as well as you think. Ok being honest it did work but a few of my settlements were toast and completely bugged out. Thankfully through one of the SS2 updates and/or WSFW I was able to mostly recover and play my original game again! Egret tours marina was intended to be my main ammo plant and not really house anyone, but 1/2 way through building it my old R9 390 could hardly handle the 15fps i was lucky to get. So back on the shelf the save went. Years go by and I finally get a whole new pc's worth of upgrades I toss the save back and im able to get 30fps ish in egret tours marina so I started to upgrade it a little. Well, because of piss poor planning and not being able to move around with the R9 (fps drop) I didnt want to expand too much more and had already built myself into a corner, kinda.

My plan is to tear it all down, expand so its not such a shitshow but the wiring is daunting. I thought I'd save what I have done now because it took me so long to get to this point its kinda sad that no one will ever get to see it! If anyone is interested I would be happy to upload it so you can check it out. Be warned, I'm new to using Transfer Settlements but it worked, it'll take forever to build but it works. I also saved it using SS2 city plan but the wiring seems not to work/follow through and that makes the save useless.

There is more I will have to go through if anyone actually wants to check it out as you will manually have to put stuff in the splitters, but that's minor and can be explained later.


im 100% canadian, I dont live in the US and wondering about your system.

so as i understand your political system, a president can only hold office 2 terms. in Trumps case, he served once already, does that mean he can only serve one more, or is the clock reset and he gets a shot at 8 years?


At lest he shared this time

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

Yeah, so my life is still a pile of crap, nothing is really working out, however I miss Lemmy. I'll do my best to keep up on reports and such.

This really did not need a post, but I figured I should probably let folks know.

What did I miss? Anything good?


I'm in my 40s and just got my first sport bike, been riding dirt bikes before I was 10 and street bikes by 14. I've always liked cruisers and choppers, never had a crotch rocket style.

After a month of having a cbr600f2, I'm convince there is a correlation with how kids slept as as babies and what bikes they like to ride (if at all)

Babies who slept on their backs better, like cruisers, babies who preferred to sleep on their bellies, like sport bikes!


Yeah, i cannot believe im actually saying this where it can be archived and thrown in my face at a later time, but damn. Thank you bethesda for FINALLY baking ultrawide into the game, now I dont need janky mods to make things work and look proper anymore! Dont get me wrong, the folks who made the mods I was using did a 1000x better job than I could have ever done, but im glad bethesda actually did it, seems to work great so far.

Wonder if I can get my orginal save back up and running again.


Finally done the move, still setting up but at least I'm back online!

Looks like shit kinda hit the fan a few times while I was gone, did y'all really miss me that much?

I wont be online as often for a week or two still, but soon enough!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

As most of you might remember, I had asked a little while ago how to go about picking a new mod (or two) to help out.

First off, there is little to no work actually involved other than checking in, last report was 9 days ago, and when things like the bots who were mass posting happen, the admin are on top of that real fast and it was done and over with by the time I logged in again. I'm not asking because the workload is requiring it, no, its more that I was wanting at least one more person. This way a community this size (i have no idea if ours is considered large or active tbh) can have more than one active mod. Much less chance of perceived bias here, now there has been no mention of it to me but I don't want it to get that far even.

I'm looking for one or two more folks to help out around here. This job is paid with bits and bytes sent to your pc or phone while your on this site, so do with them bytes and bits as you see fit, in accordance with all laws mind you. I'm more than willing to send you a digital cookie 🍪 once a month if that helps out.

I'm not looking to pass the torch and split, like our last overlord, however if something would happen to me or my internet for a long spell, only the admin could pass off the mod to someone else.

Anyone up for the job?


Not like there is a lot of work, or reports. You are all a good bunch, plus the admin team seems to get to most of the reports before I do, making me more or less useless!

So I'm thinking of bringing on someone else, this way I cant be bias, well less chance anyways, and the guy who got me to mod seems to have gone away, never to be found again. Hope hes safe!

But yeah, I think one person being a mod with a community this large is not right. How do you all want me to pick the next ~~superhero~~ mod here? Eeny, meeny, miny, moe seems like a great idea to me, but I'm a stoner.



Come across a few different aspect ratios, however 5760x1080 seems to be for rare idiots like me with 3-27" curved. My current setup is not ideal, but modding my desk today so im not so close.

Overkill? Oh yeah, but I do enjoy it!

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