Probably some kind of baleen whale. Really don't want to stick your dick in that.
Power to them. I'm sure Hollow Knight made them all independently wealthy. I'd be hard pressed to bother to work too hard, too.
Well, that's depressing. Where's my Star Trek future?
Not only that, but Google assistant is getting consistently less reliable. Like half the time now I ask it a question and it just does an image search or something or completely misunderstands me in some other manner. They deserted working, decent tech for unreliable, unwanted tech because ???
Haha! I feel part of your pain. I also wear size fifteen. I got the height to go with them, though. Still, I live in Korea, and well, they do not have big feet around here.
The Grammys are awards for whoever spent the most money on recording and marketing anyway. They have little to do with any kind of artistic or technical merit or musicianship. Maybe never did.
Anyone telling you they can hear the difference between a 320kbps MP3 and lossless audio is full of shit, anyway. It's still a great format for keeping file sizes small, though I prefer ogg these days.
"The year 2000!!!!" still sounds like the future to me in my head.
Maybe "arranging" or "composing".
As for tools to make it happen: You can use a "DAW" (Digital Audio Workstation) which is how most people compose these days. I use Reaper because it's a tiny download, very full featured, and cheap. Ableton is very popular and has the biggest community online. Cakewalk is completely free (with a sign up.) ProTools is what a lot of professionals use, though it's dying a slow death because it's very expensive, they've gone full subscription model, and the things it can do that drew people to it can be done just as well with other DAWs that aren't so predatory.
A DAW won't do the work for you, though. If you want something to make harmonies or drum beats for your melody for you, there are a lot of "plugin"s or "VST"s you can download that can help with that process. Or, if you just want to give something a melody and tell it to make a song, there are probably AI solutions these days.
Good luck! Beware the audio rabbit hole. This can be a cheap, or ridiculously expensive hobby.
Haha! Derpy doo. Brain not present.