„Jessica, please clear my calendar for today. I have pressing matters I must deal with.“
It’s a hard life picking stones and pulling teats, but as sure as God’s got sandals it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails.
For those on iOS looking for a companion app, check out plappa for a great app to access your Audiobookshelf/jellyfin instance. It works flawlessly for me, no data collection, and it allows downloading books in advance for on the go if you choose not to have external access to your server.
“Adult Children of Immature Parents - How to heal from distant, rejecting, or self-involved parents”
“Due to circumstances within my control, I’d like to backtrack on my decisions posthaste, please and thank you.”
Must be a freak in the sheets.
“Oberkriminalinspektor Weiss?”
“Am Apparat.”
“Südwestliches Fenster. Circa auf zwei Uhr. Grauer Passat, Frankfurter Kennzeichen. TÜV abgelaufen und halb auf dem Bürgersteig geparkt.”
“Verstanden. Sobald ich meinen Tunfisch verdaut hab gibt’s ein Knöllchen.”
This is c/selfhosted
It was probably the Argle. The circle is complete.
No surprise, I just made it up as just a moniker for a creature hitherto unbeknownst to mankind.
If damage to the wall is the concern here, maybe just sticky a small sheet of clear plexiglass to the wall? Catto probably wouldn’t notice, let alone care.