Not exactly what you're looking for, but Palliser Furniture is based in Winnipeg and unfortunately doesn't sell direct online, but their site has a list of retailers in the GTA.
“Tariffs are now a global policy of the United States,” said David Paterson, Ontario’s representative in Washington. “And this is a historic change to global trading patterns, and [the Americans are] very aware of that.”
Paterson said the American plan is to impose tariffs by sector across countries all around the world on April 2. From there, the countries that get along with the U.S. the best will be “first in line” to adjust or mitigate the tariffs.
[Ambassador Kirsten] Hillman described the meeting as “concrete” and appreciated the conversations, but she noted that nothing changed in terms of the ongoing trade war between Canada and the U.S.
This is certainly a political trait, but perhaps more importantly, it's a human one.
Immediate gratification feels better than distant gratification. Avoiding something bad never feels as good as getting something good.
I don't know what the solution is. Education, I guess? The population at large needs to fully understand the nature of the threats, and the consequences of failure.
I think it might be time to move on from the property and build something new - 24 Sussex is old, decrepit, and not really suitable for the task. It's just an old house.
Preserve 24 Sussex and turn it into a museum or something, but build an official residence that actually meets modern requirements.
It certainly seems to contradict the notion that VIA has no involvement - in fact, as near as I can tell, Alto is still a VIA subsidiary. But maybe that's wrong, it's a little unclear.
I don't think it necessarily invalidates the idea of it being a "fast track to privatization," or that ticket prices will be high.
The plan notably excludes involvement from VIA Rail, Canada’s only company with experience running a national daily passenger rail service.
Alto is officially known as VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc., and their website says,
VIA Rail provides advice on the technical and operational aspects of existing passenger railway services.
Ultimately, they're probably better off avoiding poking the bear, and simply working to freeze the US out of the international scene moving forward.