I dunno, to be honest. But for me, reproductive changes are a consequence of age, not the other way around. No single factor feels like it in itself is a sensible definition.
That's a really weird definition of young.
Flashbacks to my very confused school years. I am Bi, but was thinking of straight as the default, so I always felt like being attracted to everyone and just choosing a gender you liked better was what people did.
Took me a while to understand that I was just Bi, and that that was ok.
They're quoting Bardella directly, which kinda makes sense for the headline, but yeah, I haven't seen any mayor English media sources that are willing to call a cat a cat here.
Might be worried about libel suits? Though I can't see an unbiased court deny that those are Hitler salutes.
No? Kinda? I'd say a Pixel (so Google hardware, yeah) with Graphene, and either self-hosted, or independent end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.
There are alternatives to the tech conglomerates.
There's quite a few TP-Link Models that can be flashed with open source firmware. The ones I helped friends and family with seemed to get software updates consistently after being discontinued.
This isn't an all out endorsement, but I've certainly seen worse.
What did you do with the school bus?
Rather annoying. You would think that it shouldn't make a difference whether or not a mounted drive is present in the machine. I run everything I host in containers on a single machine, so I can't say whether I'd have encountered such issues.
Jellyfin supports audio books too, but I feel that audiobookshelf gives a much neater experience.
I'm more into listening at the moment.
Looking through things available in the Internet Archive, I don't think there's a lot of active moderation, to be honest.
Not my experience, but that might depend on the people one interacts with. I'd also say that coupling being young to such a gendered parameter is questionable. When does someone who's biologically male stop being young? What about people who can't reproduce?