They learned that Brother got as shitty, so they tried to keep the shittiest title.
I decided to stay away from HP around that time. I was regularly troubleshooting a friend's laptop and thought he got tons of virus and spywares from sketchy porn sites must be why he has weird issues with intermittent Internet... Turns out it was his wifi adapter being killed by the cpu heat. A real bad design that HP refused to acknowledge to not have to pay for its mistakes. Then years later they acknowledge there was an issue once nobody is having those machines anymore. Friend could never get even a partial refund.
I think the line should have been
MOST of those that work forces...
What makes you think they will pay for heart surgery or diabetes later.
And then the company never pays and you have to sue again but you are now too broke and tired.
It makes a little sense but personally I believe EVERYTHING that happens in the cockpit could be very important details, if the pilots want privacy there are other places in the plane. Autopilot does most ofnthe job letting them take brakes etc... Of course I am no pilot and haven't even been on a plane so my point is not very valuable.
Nobody blamed the pilots, but Boing tho !
You know they are not doing it for the kids, they want to know if you are gay. By associating people ID to content type they know what YOU watch.
And as many created in buildin infrastructure, power distribution and maintenace.
Line goes down, arrows go up.