I wouldn’t even call this something they did wrong, it’s sad that they do have to do this, but okey
Council housing? You mean social security houses that get supplied to you if you earn almoat nothing?
The Netherlands has that to this day, but that doesn’t solve the issue
Nope there isn't, is the owner of Reddit also doing Nazi salute's? Cause I missed that one.
Vaultwarden is the opensourced version of Bitwarden. One of the employees of Bitwarden is allowed to maintain it in their own time
I have seen that comment as well and yeah they dug themselves further. They where an idiot for doing that if they are trying to stay impartial, heck they are idiot for going into into it in the first place. Pretty sure they just have a terrible communications department.
However, most of the world sees politics differently than the two-party system the US has and it is almost never so toxic as it is with the US. Just because you agree with one statement doesn't mean you agree with all statements of the specific person/party. I feel like a lot of people in the US are forgetting that.
The CEO agreed with one statement from Trump (which is often misquated as well) and doubled down on it and is generally an idiot.
But that doesn’t mean they support Trump (or Musk). I know the US politics has been changing and removing the ability to look for compromises, but in the rest of the democtatic world agreeing with one statement from a person or party doesn’t mean you agree with their entire political agenda.
Only use Proton with your own domain so you can switch, but there aren’t that many other good options and none of them offer the same protection the Swiss law does.
This opinion article goes into the situation a bit more
To add, it’s a CEO with a lot less power than a normal CEO because of the Porton Foundation that’s above it. Some countries (like Swiss) also have more rules and regulations in place to keep people to help consumers
He didn’t even endorse Trump, he agreed with one statement. (And doubled down on that and is really an idiot)
What Swiss activist?
There are a lot of people misquoting the made comments from Proton. They are just really stupid for making comments like this.
If you use their services, use it with your own domain
There are two reasons to go public, for one to make as much profit as and otherwise to get more funding than they can get through normal means to then make as much profit as possible.