As youve seen from the the title, i want to get a new printer as a present for my parents. Sadly they are still windows peasants and my mom somehow thinks that the HP printer on her desk has been a good financial investment, even though it has costed us more than 300 bucks in ink over the past 2 years.
I was hoping that you fine folks would have some good recommendations to replace this money leach on their home. Ive heard about the entire brother lazer meme going around, but the ones ive seen from them only do monochrome. And frankly speaking i dont think that my birth specimens can comprehend the greatness of 18 century film on their paper.
Anyways have a nice day or night, internet strangers!
As an old ningguang main this guide is pretty accurate, but i do have some of my own tips For stats , level up her burst first then jade screen, then main attack. Dont sleep on main attack tho because on c6 she gets 6 extra jades flying behind her on burst that litteraly double her dps, the scaling is low but the damage is hella good. Also ningguag can be main dps and shes hella good at it, that she isnt good vs crowds is a fucking lie because burst and heavy attack stones knock back smaller enemies, and stun big ones. For stats try to get 200% er, her burst is the most important thing on this planet. Then just standard 1 to 2 crit ratio, or you can be fancy and get something stupid like 70 to 200 like i did. For her weapons its pretty accurate, just put solar pearl above dodoco tails. I mainly use lost prayers. But every listed 4* is good on her. For her sets, that geo one is fontaine is the best, but if you dont want to grind it out use any 2 piece attack set and 2 piece archaic petra, thunder shooter, flamewalker, 4pc archaic petra are dog shit. Also if you want to go for constellations try to get c2, its op as hell and doubles your energy output, and if you wanna go fancy go c6 for double burst dps. Finnaly for teams, look for people that enhance burst dmg like benny or raiden shotgun. Her best geo partner from my time was zhongli, but that old info and probably hasnt changed due to him being the goat. But pretty much anyome suits her. I ran her with albedo, raiden shotgun, and BENNY. i love benny.