Guess they didn't get the memo that we're not actually the 51st State.
Also, the Conservatives snatching defeat from the jaws of victory shows that going MAGA isn't a path to victory anymore for them.
If they have to shift left to win votes, that means that so will the Liberals to differentiate from them.
Perhaps not likely, but something to hope for.
Yeah, what's easier?
- Developing a kill switch that can't be discovered and used against the States... somehow
- Not servicing parts.
Probably 2.
Yeah, Canada's problems don't need to be solved by annexation, and wouldn't be solved by annexation.
From The website, it seems as though we have change our regulations, then we can apply to join the EU (and also be a European nation, but that's a different thing).
The best we're going to get is ranked ballot. At the very least it would avoid vote splitting, so that's a positive.
Thing is, that the reason why Biden dropped out of the race is because a not insignificant portion of that 75 million was okay with fascism over a second Biden term.
They will pay attention when their prices skyrocket.
Maybe, but there's a good chance that they'll blame Canada.
The States never abolished slavery, just limited the scope of who can be slaves to people in jail.
Would it even be possible to get an IP68 rating with a slide out keyboard?
Maybe, but the competition at the time wouldn't have IP68 anyway.
Michigan went red last election.