I happily ran THUGPRO under wine, so I assume rethawed would be the same. Dunno.
Where am I even supposed to buy it if I wanted to, which I don’t really,
Looks like it's abandonware. Yeah, publisher dropped the ball.
I happily ran THUGPRO under wine, so I assume rethawed would be the same. Dunno.
Where am I even supposed to buy it if I wanted to, which I don’t really,
Looks like it's abandonware. Yeah, publisher dropped the ball.
Changing virtual desktops works for me, no patches needed. I have to use it often because of how many games don't understand multiple monitors.
Technically they have some differences, but the biggest from a user's perspective is how they are delivered and by whom. Wine is manually installed by you from your distro's package repo. Proton is provided by steam when you install a windows game on a Linux steam instance. If one breaks then you complain to the relevant party.
Might be worth checking out ReThawed.. You can choose the physics models, UI, characters, tricks and maps from all of the old THPS games.
I tried THUGPRO previously (another community mod in similar vein) and it was fun, especially the mods to the park editor (overlapping objects!) and Sonic Adventure maps.
If you end up buying some flux then I'd recommend you also buy and try a block of violinist rosin:
You break it up and then dab chunks onto your joint whilst soldering. Some will melt off and then burn. From there it acts just like any flux: reduces the metal oxides, makes the solder suddenly flow (behave) a lot better and provides some level of temporary oxygen shielding with its off-gassing products.
I use it often, it's my favourite for both big joints and fixing smd work. Grab some and try it :) The worst you will be out of pocket is a few dollars.
I've had some issues with other flux products I've used because of their alcohol content boiling off & cooling my board whilst I'm trying to heat a region up to work on it. Solid rosin doesn't have that problem, you can dab it on whilst the iron is still covering some SMD joints (eg QFP pins) on your board and it will work instantly.
Ooh thankyou for the link.
“We can leverage it [ray tracing] for things we haven’t been able to do in the past, which is giving accurate hit detection”
“So when you fire your weapon, the [hit] detection would be able to tell if you’re hitting a pixel that is leather sitting next to a pixel that is metal”
“Before ray tracing, we couldn’t distinguish between two pixels very easily, and we would pick one or the other because the materials were too complex. Ray tracing can do this on a per-pixel basis and showcase if you’re hitting metal or even something that’s fur. It makes the game more immersive, and you get that direct feedback as the player.”
It sounds like they're assigning materials based off the pixels of a texture map, rather than each mesh in a model being a different material. ie you paint materials onto a character rather than selecting chunks of the character and assigning them.
I suspect this either won't be noticeable at all to players or it will be a very minor improvement (at best). It's not something worth going for in exchange for losing compatibility with other GPUs. It will require a different work pipeline for the 3D modellers (they have to paint materials on now rather than assign them per-mesh), but that's neither here nor there, it might be easier for them or it might be hell-awful depending on the tooling.
This particular sentence upsets me:
Before ray tracing, we couldn’t distinguish between two pixels very easily
Uhuh. You're not selling me on your game company.
"Before" ray tracing, the technology that has been around for decades. That you could do on a CPU or GPU for this very material-sensing task without the players noticing for around 20 years. Interpolate UVs across the colliding triangle and sample a texture.
I suspect the "more immersion" and "direct feedback" are veils over the real reasoning:
During NVIDIA's big GeForce RTX 50 Series reveal, we learned that id has been working closely with the GeForce team on the game for several years (source)
With such a strong emphasis on RT and DLSS, it remains to be seen how these games will perform for AMD Radeon users
No-one sane implements Nvidia or AMD (or anyone else) exclusive libraries into their games unless they're paid to do it. A game dev that cares about its players will make their game run well on all brands and flavours of graphics card.
At the end of the day this hurts consumers. If your games work on all GPU brands competitively then you have more choice and card companies are better motivated to compete. Whatever amount of money Nvidia is paying the gamedevs to do this must be smaller than what they earn back from consumers buying more of their product instead of competitors.
really flashy guns and there is a very intricate damage system that runs at least partially on the GPU.
Short opinion: no, CPU's can do that fine (possibly better) and it's a tiny corner of game logic.
Long opinion: Intersecting projectile paths with geometry will not gain advantages being moved from CPU to GPU unless you're dealing with a ridiculous amount of projectiles every single frame. In most games this is less than 1% of CPU time and moving it to the GPU will probably reduce overall performance due to the latency costs (...but a lot of modern engines already have awful frame latency, so it might fit right in fine).
You would only do this if you have been told by higher ups that you have to OR if you have a really unusual and new game design (thousands of new projectile paths every frame? ie hundreds of thousands of bullets per second). Even detailed multi-layer enemy models with vital components is just a few extra traces, using a GPU to calc that would make the job harder for the engine dev for no gain.
Fun answer: checkout CNlohr's noeuclid. Sadly no windows build (I tried cross compiling but ended up in dependency hell), but still compiles and runs under Linux. Physics are on the GPU and world geometry is very non-traditional. https://github.com/cnlohr/noeuclid
Triangle is an amplifier and rectangle is a black box ("don't worry what's in here, we promise it's not gremlins").
I suspect that the box might be a biasing array for driving the two output transistors, but then I would also expect two wires to come out of it (one for each transistor) rather than a single combined wire.
Broadcom's datasheet for their version of the part seems to be more akin to what I'm thinking:
Could be either. You'd have to decap the chip to find out, the datasheet writers thought these details were not important.
I have no idea why two of the output pins are tied together. They're not using many of the pins on this package so maybe they thought "why not". I've also seen dual-optocouplers in this same 8 pin package where pins 6 & 7 are the outputs of the two separate couplers.
Some guy at the factory is removing the third paper from every unit before it gets boxed.
So many CMCs seem to be marketed based of visual appearance and hope. I guess maybe people already have a design that works, so they go for things that look like clones visually? Otherwise I don't get how anyone would choose their product when there are alternatives with actual specs.
Another gripe: When the only datasheet available is a combined one with tables and graphs listing the specs of dozens of part variants. But yours isn't on there. So you find two similar models in the list and mentally interpolate between the graphs whilst worrying whether or not this is a long-term supply item or some spares that a retailer is selling off from a custom order run.
I just realised how hard it would be to manufacture this thing.
Imagine having to bend those copper wires into that shape around an already-existing toroid ring. Or maybe they glue together a few pieces of ring?
There are some youtube videos of people machining them (sadly my browser does not support smell). Looks like you treat it like any other solid material: hobb or mill the teeth. This is much more expensive than 3d printing.
You might be surprised by your 3d printed gears. If you keep the detail size large they work really well, but backlash is definitely an issue.