I absolutely loved void bastards. This looks like an insta-buy for me. Those gun animations were slick.
Oh whoops, it was vimm.net. My bad. I honestly wasn't sure. I figured Google would sort it out for anyone just typing in vimm
Emudeck has a really nice tool to mass convert a folder to .chd and as far as the rims go I usually just go to the mega thread on /r/roms or you can go to vimm.com
Yeah I don't know what everyone is talking about. Visually, it looks cool.
I didn't know anyone even remembered this game.
Seemingly, this doesn't fix the tampered game file issue with steam deck users. Maybe it isn't everyone but I can stay in the umbral as long as I want and the crimson reaper will never spawn and I can't go online or get achievements.
Thanks for the post!
Typing it out I was thinking, wait... I did clarify that I'm a stagehand though. I'm prone to some grammatical mistakes.
Take it from an actual stagehand, it's front of house irregardless of venue. I'm sure there are different names but if you work in the industry, that's front of house.
Better off dead!
I just beat evil West and cyberpunk 2077. I've been playing through death's stranding and today I booted up Chernobylite and I'm having a great time.