also that is the third time google installed stuff on phones in the last weeks.
no one has access to my account
would be nice seeing them doing it instead of talking about it
Wouldn't count that as EEE
Bla bla bla - alles nazis punkt
that is called opt in -> you have to opt in to the feature
you mean opt in
After driving into pedestrians, prosecutors says the suspect shot himself in the mouth but survived, and he is in a stable condition in hospital
Und deshalb liebe Kinder schießt man sich nicht in den Mund. Hoffe der Mongo ist jetzt wenigstens vom Hals an gelähmt....
Ich korrigiere, das Handelsblatt schreibt was von "mit einer Schreckschusspistole"... fuck wie dumm, Schläfe hätte auch damit klappen können...
gut so - gruß aus deutschland muskolini!!