This tool looks fantastic, thank you!
Synapse has seemingly improved since 2020. A word of warning though: if you join large rooms from your server, Synapse will eventually grow the DB to a huge size due to a "lookup" table state_groups_state, and will require manual cleanup. See
Revelation Space series does not have FTL, but in its place, an engine that can produce 1G indefinitely (not manufactured anymore, powered by handwavium, it seems... but the secret is revealed in one of the short stories). There is further shenanigans with physics, but never FTL.
It definitely adds more nuance to the world, because now you can't have interstellar empires if you cannot communicate over large distances.
It really depends on the business.
I worked for two smaller businesses (team of ≤ 10 software developers). One was mismanaged, ran by very unpleasant people, and abusive towards employees, resulting in a huge turnover and a "dead sea effect". The other company got government grants because the owner's relative was a politician, and had ridiculous surveillance software on developers' machines.
Ironically, the most "human" and enjoyable work I did was working on internal legacy software and code rewrites for a huge corporation before and during their move towards agile and modern "conveyorized" approach to software.
I just installed Miniflux on my server as well.
Advantages (in my opinion) are: Package is in Debian repos (safe and no compilation needed), software is a static binary (thus does not require docker and only needs postgreSQL), documentation is good.